The calculator will convert wheel horsepower to engine horsepower & vice versa.
Our WHP to Hp calculator helps to find the engine horsepower that is equivalent to the wheel horsepower. Also, you may get reverse conversions from HP to WHP with this tool.
HP is the actual power of the vehicle’s engine. While on the other hand, WHP refers to the horsepower delivered to the wheel when the automobile is moving. Our smart WHP to HP converter readily performs to and fro conversions song both of these powers and saves you a lot of time.
Our calculator uses the following equations to perform to and fro conversions among WHP and HP:
HP = WHP / (1 – DL )
DL = Drive train loss
DTLF = Drive train loss factor
If the wheel horsepower of a car is 240, then what is the actual engine horsepower delivered to the wheel?
HP = WHP / (1 – DL )
HP = 240/ (1 – 35)
HP = -240/34
HP = -7.05
The negative indicates the horsepower is applied to the wheel in the opposite direction.
Front Wheel Drive | 10% (0.10) |
Rear Wheel Drive | 15% (0.15) |
Overall Wheel Drive | 25% (0.25) |
Our calculator functions to provide you with accurate conversions among wheel and engine horsepower. Its simple UI lets you enter the following inputs to get results:
From the source Wikipedia: WHP, Horsepower, Measurement, Engine power test standards
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