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Target Heart Rate Calculator

The calculator will readily calculate the target or maximum heart rates by considering the Karvonen and Zoladz methods as standards. Also, you can obtain a detailed heart training chart through this calculator.


Estimate your maximum heart rate against certain activity intensity with the target heart rate calculator. The tool functions to provide you with the maximum cardio beat rate for you based on your age and selected level of exercise intensity.

Additionally, the calculator also helps you to calculate the maximum cardio rates and provides you with the training chart that depends on the Karvonen and Zoladz methods.

Formulas To Calculate THR:

Heart rate calculations are performed by using these mentioned equations:

Haskell & Fox:

For Men: HRmax = 220 - Age

For Women: HRmax = 226 - Age

Heart Rate Reserve Formula:

HRreserve = HRmax - HRrest

HRmax = HRreserve + HRrest

HRrest = HRmax – Hrreserve

Target Heart Rate (THR):

Karvonen Method: THR = (HRmax - HRrest) × %Intensity + HRrest

Basic Method: THR = HRmax × %Intensity (Authorized and commonly reffered by American Heart Association)

THR Chart:

Cardio Rate Zone Low Intensity Moderate Intensity Aerobic Zone Vigorous Intensity Maximum
Age 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 75-85% 100%
20 97-116 bpm 116-135 bpm 135-155 bpm 145-164 bpm 194 bpm
25 95-114 114-134 133-152 143-162 190
30 93-112 112-131 131-149 140-159 187
35 92-110 110-128 128-147 138-156 183
40 90-108 108-126 126-144 135-153 180
45 88-106 106-124 124-141 133-150 177
50 87-104 104-121 121-139 130-147 173
55 95-102 102-119 119-136 128-145 170
60 83-100 100-117 117-133 125-142 167
65 82-98 98-114 114-131 123-139 163
70 80-96 96-112 112-128 120-136 160
75 78-94 94-110 110-125 117-133 157
80 77-92 92-107 107-123 115-130 153

Heart Rate Zones Based On MHR:

Healthy Zone (Very Light Warm-Up Zone):

This zone is said to be 50% to 60% of an individual heart rate at maximum. In this healthy rate zone, the body derives its energy by burning:

  • 10 percent carbohydrates
  • 5 percent protein
  • 85 percent fat

Fitness Zone (Light Fat Burn Zone):

The fitness HR zone is indicated from 60% to 70% of your MHR or Maximum Cardio Rate. In this fat-burn zone, your body fuels itself with:

  • 85 percent fat
  • 5 percent protein
  • 10 percent carbohydrate

Aerobic Zone (Moderate Aerobic Zone):

The Moderate Aerobic zone is from 70% to 80% of your MHR. In the Aerobic zone, you burn:

  • 50 percent of your calories from fat
  • 50 percent from carbohydrate
  • less than 1 percent of protein

Anaerobic Zone (Threshold Zone or Hard Anaerobic Zone):

The Threshold Zone or Hard Anaerobic Zone is 80% to 90% of your MHR. In this, zone the body burns:

  • 85 percent carbohydrates
  • 15 percent fat
  • less than 1 percent protein

Red-Line Zone (Maximum V_O2 Max Zone):

The Maximum VO2 Max Zone is 90% to 100% of your MHR. In the red line zone, you burn lots of calories per minute:

  • 90 percent of them are carbohydrates
  • 10 percent fats
  • less than 1 percent protein

What's a Normal Resting Cardio Rate?

According to the NIH (National Institute of Health), the normal resting heart rates at different ages are:

Age Normal beat rate (bpm)
Up to 1 month 70 to 190
From 1 to 11 months 80 to 160
From 1 to 2 years 80 to 130
From 3 to 4 years 80 to 120
From 5 to 6 years 75 to 115
From 7 to 9 years 70 to 110
Over 10 years 60 to 100

How To Take Heart Rate?

  • Check your pulse
  • Very next, you have to place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe
  • Now, to check your pulse at your wrist, you have to place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery – located on the thumb side of your wrist
  • When you feel your pulse, you have to count the number of beats in 15 seconds. And, then multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute or bpm

What Is The Ideal Heart Rate When Running?

For all the individuals running at a normal pace, the ideal heart rate should be 100-160 beats per minute (BPM). The ideal rate zone for individuals to train in depends on their fitness level, age, and current activity levels, as well as whether or not they are prone to any medical conditions.

Target Heart Rate Zones By Age:

Age (years) Target cardio rate zone at 50 to 85 percent exertion (bpm) Average maximum cardio rate at 100 percent exertion (bpm)
20 100 to 170 200
30 95 to 162 190
35 93 to 157 185
40 90 to 153 180
45 88 to 149 175
50 85 to 145 170
55 83 to 140 165
60 80 to 136 160
65 78 to 132 155
70 75 to 128 150


What Is My Target Heart Rate Zone?

For moderate-intensity physical activity, your target heart rate (THR) should be between 64 percent and 75% of your MHR. To check whether your maximum cardio pace lies within this range or not, enter the required credentials in the calculator and know your heart rate.

Is It Bad To Exercise At Your Maximum Heart Rate?

Going higher than your MHR or maximum heart rate for long periods of time could be injurious to your health. That’s especially proved right if you are a beginner to exercise.

What Is a Good Average Walking Heart Rate?

For instance, for a 40-year old individual it had 180 bmp x 0.85 = 153 bpm. For this individual, their THR or Target Heart Rate while walking would be between 90 and 153 beats per minute.

What Is a Dangerous Resting Heart Rate?

Tachycardia indicates a fast resting heart rate (RHR), typically over 100 beats per minute (BMP). Only a few individuals with tachycardia may have no symptoms or complications.

Is a Resting Heart Rate of 80 Bad?

If your RHR or Resting Cardiac Rate is consistently above 80 beats per minute (bpm), you ought to consult your MEDICAL PRO about your heart rate and other personal factors that influence your risk for cardiovascular disease.