Enter two scientific numbers and the calculator will apply arithmetic operations on them. Also, its converter version will allow you to get equivalent notation for any number format entered.
An online scientific notation calculator allows you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in scientific notation. Also, this online scientific notation converter helps you to convert a number to scientific notation, e notation, engineering notation and decimal notation.
An online scientific notation calculator with solution by calculator-online helps you in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers in scientific notation.
Scientific notation is commonly used with all those numbers that are very large or even very small. It is mostly used in many fields that are related to science such as calculations of physics, applications of engineering and formulas of chemistry. It basically shrinks all the numbers into a specific form that is multiplied by 10 and then raised to an exponent. In every field of science, it is represented by * 10ⁿ. N is the power and 10 is the exponent.
Scientific E notation is the most basic and easy way to write all those numbers that are too large or too small. It is helpfully for all those numbers that cannot be written in the decimal formats. Exponential notation calculator is functioned to display numbers in terms of “times ten raised to the power of" without the hustle of manual calculation. However, a representation of manual calculation is elaborated below:
It is the representation of any fraction as well as of any real number that uses the base of ten and it can be consist of any of the digits like 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, along with a decimal point. To convert form scientific notation to decimal notation there all you have to do is to move the decimal place and then write it in the form of power of 10.
Scientific Notation - Scientific Notation Chart
109 = | 1,000,000,000 | Giga (G) |
108 = | 100,000,000 | |
107 = | 10,000,000 | |
106 = | 1,000,000 | Mega (M) |
105 = | 100,000 | |
104 = | 10,000 | |
103 = | 1,000 | Kilo (K) |
102 = | 100 | |
101 = | 10 | |
100 = | 1 | |
10-1 = | 0.1 | |
10-2 = | centi (c) | 0.01 |
10-3 = | milli (m) | 0.001 |
10-4 = | 0.0001 | |
10-5 = | 0.00001 | |
10-6 = | micro (µ) | 0.000001 |
10-7 = | 0.0000001 | |
10-8 = | 0.00000001 | |
10-9 = | nano (n) | 0.000000001 |
Outputs: The scientific notation conversion calculator will generate the results after applying selected operation on the given inputs; you will get results in the following formats:
There are three given fields:
Outputs: The standard notation converter shows the results in the following terms:
If you have a number 700 then how to write scientific notation of it? In the first step to convert form number to scientific notation we will separate the ten and hundred: 700 (whole number) = 7 (ten) × 100 (hundred) In the second step we will convert 100 into exponent and raised power: 100 = 10 raised to power 2 Therefore 700 will be = 7 × 10 raised to power 2 In this way Both numbers 700 and 7 × 10 raised to power 2 have the exactly same values. They are just represented in different ways.
One million (1,000,000) in scientific notation written as 1 x 10^6.
54 in scientific notation is written as 5.400 x 10^ 1.
0.0970 in scientific notation is written as 9.700 x 10^ -2.
From the source of Wikipedia: Scientific notation, Normalized notation, Engineering Notation, Significant figures, and much more! From the source of brilliant: Scientific notation format is standardized to be easy to read, explore more about it
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