Enter the value of decimal numbers to round it to the nearest cent.
Our round to nearest cent calculator helps to round any decimal value to the nearest cent accurately. No matter at all whether you people are dealing with financial calculations or case where precision matters, this tool swiftly calculates the required rounded number.
Rounding to nearest cent means showing the price in only two significant figures after the decimal point. By doing so, you can use the values easily with the system that uses price in cents. There are two types of rounding that are:
Keep in mind if the number >= 5 in the thousandth value then as per the rounding rule, it will be rounded up to the nearest cent. Meanwhile, add 1 in the hundredth place and remove all the digits from the right side.
If the number at the thousandth place is < 5, round down to the nearest cent. It means that no addition will be done at the hundredth place and you will remove all the digits after the hundred place.
Let's see the following steps to calculate the nearest cent:
If it still seems difficult, then get the assistance of a round to the nearest cent calculator. It will let you round the numbers accurately.
Let's suppose you have an amount that is $ 456.349. Now how to round to nearest cent?
Given that:
Amount = $ 456.349
In this amount at the right side of the decimal point, the last digit is 9, remove the last digit. This digit is greater than five so we will add 1 at the hundredth place to round your answer to the nearest cent.
Amount = $456. 34
Amount = $456. 35
In the following table you can see numbers rounded to the nearest cents:
Amount | Rounded to Nearest Cent |
0.124 | 0.12 |
6.333 | 6.33 |
5.3227 | 5.32 |
12.36 | 12.36 |
1.376 | 1.38 |
8.822 | 8.82 |
11.689 | 11.69 |
0.555 | 0.56 |
100.052 | 100.05 |
12.225 | 12.23 |
15.666 | 15.67 |
100.007 | 100.01 |
25.111 | 25.11 |
19.852 | 19.85 |
50.554 | 50.55 |
20.999 | 21 |
Get the help of our straightforward rounding to the nearest cent calculator to round any amount within seconds. Let's see how it works:
Take a look at the rightmost value after the decimal point, if it’s equal to 4 or less than 4, then just remove the last digit, but if it's equal to 5 or greater than 5 then remove it and add one at the hundredth place.
It means to turn the money amount into two decimals by applying the rounding rule. For instance you have an amount of $ 45.567 and you have to round it, then the rounded amount will be 45.57 as per the rounding rule. Now you know what does it mean to round to the nearest cent.
In the US, one penny coin is worth one cent. If you have one hundred pennies, then it means you have one dollar. According to this, one cent can be written as $0.01.
From the source of support.microsoft.com: Round Function. From the source of Wikipedia: Rounding.
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