Provide the numerator and denominator polynomial and the calculator will determine their remainder by using the remainder theorem.
Remainder theorem calculator is free online tool that helps you to calculate the remainder of given polynomial expressions by remainder theorem.
Our factor theorem calculator provides step by step calculations of the factor of division. Here you can understand how to find the remainder of a polynomial using the formula.
In algebra, the remainder theorem or little Bezout’s theorem is an application of Euclidean division of different expressions, which is discovered by Etienne Bezout. It states when an expression is divided by a factor x-j, then the remainder of the division is equal to f(j).
When the polynomial f(x) is divisible by a linear factor of the form x-j, the theorem will be used by the remainder theorem calculator. If you want to do these calculations by hand, then follow the instructions below and use them to solve the rest of the polynomial expression in a couple of minutes.
Solve (x^4 + 12x^3 + 18x^2 - 9x + 22) with denominator (x - 4) using remainder theorem?
Solution: Given values are
$$f(x) = x^4 + 12x^3 + 18x^2 - 9x + 22$$
x - 4 is in the form of x - (4).
Then c = 4
$$f(4) = (4)^4 + 12(4)^3 + 18(4)^2 - 9(4) + 22$$
$$= 256 + 768 + 288 - 36 + 22$$
$$= 1298$$
The remainder of given expression is 1298.
The remainder calculator calculates:
From the source of Wikipedia: Polynomial remainder theorem, little Bézout's theorem, factor theorem.
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