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PPI Calculator

Enter the horiizontal and vertical resolutions, diagonal screen size, and select the device to get pixel per inch (PPI) with this calculator.



PPI calculator help to finds the pixels per inch (PPI), dots per inch (DPI), and display size for any selected device.

This dpi calculator enables to find a dot per inch (DPI) that is referred to as the number of printed dots contained within one inch of an image printed by a printer.

What is the PPI Formula?

If you want to calculate PPI, then you ought to divide the length of the diagonal in pixels by the length of the diagonal in inches. Additionally, you can use the PPI calculator to get pixel per inch.

The PPI Formula is:

PPI = (diagonal in Pixels)/ (diagonal in Inches)

PPI = d_p / d_i

Formula for Diagonal Length in Pixel:

The formula to calculate the length of diagonal in pixel is as follows,

dp =√(width)2 + (Height)2


dp is the length of the diagonal in pixels.

How to use the Pixel Per Inch Calculator:

Don’t to worry; our pixel density calculator is fully loaded with a user-friendly interface. You just have to follow these steps to get ppi and dpi resolutions.


  • First of all, you have to enter the screen width in (Pixels) in the field of ‘Horizontal regulation.’
  • Right after, you ought to enter the screen height in (Pixels) in the field of ‘Vertical Resolution.’
  • Very next, you have to enter diagonals screen size in (inches) in the field of ‘Diagonal Screen Size.’
  • After this, select your device from the dropdown of this pixel calculator either it is a computer, phone or a tablet.
  • Finally, hit the calculate button of this screen dpi calculator and get the Pixels Per Inches (PPI), Total Pixels, and Dot Pitch.


  • Pixel Per Inch (PPI).
  • Dot pitch.
  • Display size.
  • Total pixels of screen.
  • Pixel per square inch (PPI2)
  • Diagonal length.
  • Aspect ratio.

How to Calculate Ppi Manually (Step-By-Step)?

At first, for the calculation of ppi you ought to calculate the number of pixels that appear on the diagonal using the given formula:

dp =√(width)2 + (Height)2


‘width’ represents the number of pixels that appears along the horizontal edge.

‘height’ represents the number of pixels that appear along the vertical edge.

The output of this calculation can be applied to the formula that we mentioned earlier.

That is:

PPI = d_p / d_i


‘di’ represents the diagonal screen size in inches.

Let’s try an example for manual calculation.

For example:

You have the screen resolution of 1800pixel horizontally and 900pixel vertically, and have 20inches diagonal screen size.

Calculate the PPI of your screen?


Step 1:

First of all, you have to determine the number of pixel on diagonal by the formula:

dp =√ (1800)2 + (900)2

dp =√3240000 + 810000

dp =√4050000

dp =2012.46

Step 2:

Now, use the PPI formula,

PPI = d_p / d_i

PPI = 2012.46 / 20

PPI = 100.62


From the source of Wikipedia: Pixel density, Basic Principles, Outputting to a Different Device, Printing on Paper, and much more about PPI.