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Percentage Calculator

Fetch in the required numbers and the percentage calculator will use percent formulas to find the percent value of an unknown variable in the equation with the steps shown.

What is

% of


Percentage calculator helps you solve for accurate percent values in any equation. The tool utilizes basic percent formulas to determine the unknowns by providing two values in each case selected. With that, you can also add or subtract a percentage from any number within moments.

What Is Percentage?

“Percentage is defined as a number, fraction, or ratio that you can represent as a fraction of 100” Symbol: %


If you ate two slices of a pizza consisting of 8 pieces in total, you ate 25% of pizza.

How To Calculate Percentage?

In algebra, the basic percentage equation is as under:

P (Percentage) × \(V_1\) = \(V_2\)

  • P represents the percentage,
  • \(V_1\) represents the first value that will be modified by the percentage.
  • \(V_2\) is the outcome of the percentage that is functioning on \(V_1\).


Find 25 percent of 50.


P× 50 = 2.5

P = 25 / 100 * 50 = 0.25 * 50 = 12.5%

Percentage Cases:

The calculator above supports all percent variants that are important for you to understand. Let’s explore them one by one with respective formulas, guides, and examples!

What Is P Percent of X?

Y = P% * X

  • The “what” is said to be Y that you want to solve for
  • First, you have to convert percentage to decimal, dividing by 100

Example Problem:

What is 20% of 50?


Y = P% * X

Y = 20% * 50

Converting percent to decimal:

Y = (20/100) * 50

Y = 0.2 * 50

Y = 10

Y Is What Percent of X?

P% = Y ÷ X

  • The “what” is said to P% that you want to solve for
  • Just divide both sides by X to obtain P% on one side of the equation
  • Y ÷ X = (P% ? X) ÷ X, you get Y ÷ X = P% that is also written as: P% = Y ÷ X

Example Problem:

15 is what percent of 60?



P% = Y / X

P% = 15 / 60

P% = 0.25

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.25 * 100

P% = 25%

Y Is P Percent of What?

X = Y ÷ P%

  • The “what” is said to be X that you want to solve for
  • Simply divide both sides of the equation by P% to obtain X on one side
  • Y ÷ P% = (P% × X) ÷ P%, you get Y ÷ P% = X, it is also written as X = Y ÷ P%

Example Problem:

7 is 66% of what?


Equation: X = Y / P%

X = 7 / 66%

Converting percent to decimal:

X = 7 / (66 / 100)

X = 7 / 0.66

X = 10.61

What Percent of X Is Y?

P% = Y ÷ X

  • The “what” is P% that you need to solve for
  • Now, simply divide both sides of equation by X to get P% only on one side
  • (P% * X) ÷ X = Y ÷ X, you get P% = Y ÷ X

Example Problem:

What percent of 25 is 7?


P% = Y / X

P% = 7 / 25

P% = 0.28

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.28 * 100

P% = 28%

P Percent of What Is Y?

X = Y ÷ P%

  • The “what” is indicated as X that you need to solve for
  • Now, all you need to divide both sides of the equation by P% to get X on one side
  • (P% × X) ÷ P% = Y ÷ P%, you get: X = Y ÷ P%

Example Problem:

30% of what is 9?



X = Y / P%

X = 9 / 30%

Converting percent to decimal:

X = 9 / (30 / 100)

X = 9 / 0.3 X = 30

P Percent of X Is What?

Y = P% * X

  • In terms of the equation, it is written as P% * X = Y
  • The “what” is said to be Y that you need to solve for

Example Problem:

7% of 27 is what?



Y = P% * X

Y = 7% * 27

Converting percent to decimal:

Y = (7 / 100) * 27

Y = 0.07 * 27

Y = 1.89

Y of What Is P Percent?

X = Y ÷ P%

  • The “what” is expressed as X that you need to solve for
  • Multiply simply both sides of the equation by X to obtain X out of the denominator
  • (Y / X) * X = P% * X, you get: Y = P% * X
  • Now, simply divide both sides of the equation by P% to get X on one side
  • Y ÷ P% = (P% * X) ÷ P%, you get: Y ÷ P% = X

Example Problem:

5 of what is 13%?


X = Y / P%

X = 5 / 13%

Converting percent to decimal:

X = 5 / (13 / 100)

X = 5 / 0.13

X = 38.46

What of X Is P Percent?

Y = P% * X

  • The “what” is said to be as Y that you need to solve for
  • Now, simply multiply both sides of the equation by X to get Y on one side
  • (Y ÷ X) * X = P% * X, you get: Y = P% * X

Example Problem:

What of 26 is 12%?


Y = P% * X

Y = 12% * 26

Converting percent to decimal:

Y = (12 / 100) * 26

Y = 0.12 * 26

Y = 3.12

Y of X Is What Percent?

P% = Y / X

  • The “what” is the P% that you need to solve for
  • Simply, solve for P% by using the formula for %

Example Problem:

8 of 12 is what percent?


P% = Y / X

P% = 8 / 12

P% = 0.66666666666667

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = (0.66666666666667) * 100

P% = 66.67%

People Also Ask:

How To Figure Out Percentage Difference?

The following formula supports percent difference calculations:

Percentage Difference = |\(V_1\) - \(V_2\)| / {(\(V_1\) + \(V_2\)}/2


  • |\(V_1\) - \(V_2\)| = Absolute value of the difference between the numbers given
  • \(V_1\) + \(V_2\) = Average of Numbers

The concept of percentage difference is also used to

Why Do Percentages Matter?

In everyday matters, percentages serve the purpose of financial aspects understanding. Moreover, you can use percent values to compare two or more quantities at the same time.

How To Convert a Percentage To a Decimal & Vice Versa?

  • To convert percent to decimal, divide it by 100
  • To do reverse calculations, multiply the number by 100

The above calculator supports this conversion for any number or percent value entered in it.