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Partial Derivative Calculator

Enter the function, specify variable, and click on “Calculate” button to differentiate the function step-by-step.


This Partial derivative calculator is used to differentiate mathematical functions that contain multiple variables.

What Is a Partial Derivative?

"The partial derivative is defined as the derivative of a multivariable function with respect to one variable, while all other variables remain unchanged"

When a function has two variables x and y that are independent of each other, then what to do there! Simply,

  • If you require differentiating the function with respect to “x”, then you should keep the variable “y” constant and differentiate.
  • On the other hand, if you need to differentiate the function with respect to “y”, then make the variable “x” constant. The symbol “∂” is generally used to indicate chain rule partial derivatives

How to do a Partial Derivative of Function?

You can do these derivation calculations of a function as:

Take a function to compute the partial derivative. The derivative of a constant is zero When applying a derivative to a variable, only the derivative of that particular variable is solved Solve all the functions for getting the results

Second Partial Derivatives:

The high-order derivative is very important for testing the concavity of the function and confirming whether the endpoint of the function is maximum or minimum. Since the function f (x, y) is continuously differentiable in the open region, you can obtain the following set of partial second-order derivatives:

  • F_{xx} = ∂fx / ∂x, where function f (x) is the first partial derivative of x.
  • F_{yy} = ∂fy / ∂y, where function f (y) is the first order derivative with respect to y.

How Does Partial Derivative Calculator Work?

Our partial derivative calculator differentiates the given functions by following these steps:


  • First, enter a function for differentiation
  • Now, select the variable for derivative from the drop-down list
  • Then, select how many times you need to differentiate the given function
  • Hit the calculate button


  • Partial derivative of a function with step by step calculations