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Pace Calculator

This free pace calculator will calculate the running pace, time required for it, and distance travelled in various units of measurements.

Pace Calculator
Multipoint Pace Calculator
Pace Converter
Finish Time Calculator




With the tools above, you may know your speed potential within a specified time so that you can train yourself and run better.

What Is Pace?

“Pace tells you how long it takes for you to cover a certain distance in miles/kilometers”

For example:

If you cover a distance of 1 mile in 15 minutes, then your running pace for a 5-mile run will be 75 minutes (1 Hour & 15 Minutes).

Pace Formula:

Pace = Time/Distanceor Pace = T / d


Suppose in a marathon race, an athlete covers a distance of 42 km in 125 minutes. His pace will be:

Pace = 125/42

Pace = 2.97 minutes per kilometer

Equivalent Conversions:

  • 00 Hours 04 Min 48 Sec Per Mile
  • 00 Hours 02 Min 59 Sec Per Kilometer
  • 12.51 Miles Per Hour 20.13 Kilometer Per Hour
  • 335.42 Meters Per Minute 5.59 Meters Per Second

Related Parameters:

Running Distance:

Distance = Time (t) / Pace (p)

The resulting distance will be in the units of feet, yards, meters, kilometers, miles, etc.


Reshaeel covers 1 mile in 3 minutes. If he runs for 56 minutes, then;

Distance = Time (t) / Pace (p)

Distance = 56 minutes/3 minutes

Distance = 18.6 miles

Running/Finish Time:

Time (t) = Pace (p) * Distance (d)

The outcomes of time duration will be in time units such as hour, second, and minute.


John has a pace of 6.4 minutes/mile. If he runs for 40 miles, how long he could take to cover it?

Time (t) = Pace (p) * Distance (d)

Time (t) = 6.4 minutes * 40 miles

Time (t) = 256 minutes

What Are The Pacing Workouts For Different Levels?

Consistent pacing can be a difficult task for beginners. Here are some strategies that you can use to set your pace:

Pacing Workout for Beginners:

  • Fartlek-style workout
  • Fast-finish workout

Workout of Intermediate Runners:

  • Interval Workout
  • Progression runs

Workout for Advanced Runners:

  • Critical Velocity (CV) or Threshold
  • Mixed Long Runs

Related Queries:

Is Lower Pace Better?

One or two miles less than your running pace is acceptable. But you should use the running pace calculator to regularly judge to ensure the distance gap does not exceed more than this.

What Is the Average Pace For Men and Women?

The average pace for women is 10:21 per mile (1.6 kilometers) and 9:03 per mile for men.

What Does the Brisk Pace Mean?

A brisk pace means you will be walking faster than normal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the brisk pace is given as:

  • 3.5 to 4 miles per hour (5.6 kilometers per hour to 6.4 kilometers per hour)

What Is the Average Pace of Walking for Adults?

For most of the adults, the average pace of walking is about 2 to 4 miles in an hour. But age, health, and fitness level play a vital role in deciding your average pace. With that, your walk goals also add to the determination of pace.

However, the table below has been picked up from the study conducted on walking speeds, in the year 2020:

Age Kilometers per hour (km/h) Miles per hour (mph)
<30 4.82 km/h 3 mph
30–39 4.54 km/h 2.8 mph
40–49 4.54 km/h 2.8 mph
50–59 4.43 km/h 2.75 mph
>60 4.34 km/h 2.7 mph
>65 3.42 km/h 2.1 mph

Finish Times For Different Marathons:

Distance 6:00/km 6:30/km 7:00/km 7:30/km 8:00/km
1 km 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00
2 km 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
3 km 18:00 19:30 21:00 22:30 24:00
4 km 24:00 26:00 28:00 30:00 32:00
5k 30:00 32:30 35:00 37:30 40:00
6 km 36:00 39:00 42:00 45:00 48:00
7 km 42:00 45:30 49:00 52:30 56:00
8 km 48:00 52:00 56:00 1:00:00 1:04:00
9 km 54:00 58:30 1:03:00 1:07:30 1:12:00
10k 1:00:00 1:05:00 1:10:00 1:15:00 1:20:00
11 km 1:06:00 1:11:30 1:17:00 1:22:30 1:28:00
12 km 1:12:00 1:18:00 1:24:00 1:30:00 1:36:00
13 km 1:18:00 1:24:30 1:31:00 1:37:30 1:44:00
14 km 1:24:00 1:31:00 1:38:00 1:45:00 1:52:00
15 km 1:30:00 1:37:30 1:45:00 1:52:30 2:00:00
16 km 1:36:00 1:44:00 1:52:00 2:00:00 2:08:00
10 mi 1:36:34 1:44:36 1:52:39 2:00:42 2:08:45
17 km 1:42:00 1:50:30 1:59:00 2:07:30 2:16:00
18 km 1:48:00 1:57:00 2:06:00 2:15:00 2:24:00
19 km 1:54:00 2:03:30 2:13:00 2:22:30 2:32:00
20 km 2:00:00 2:10:00 2:20:00 2:30:00 2:40:00
21 km 2:06:00 2:16:30 2:27:00 2:37:30 2:48:00
1/2 Marathon 2:06:35 2:17:08 2:27:41 2:38:14 2:48:47
22 km 2:12:00 2:23:00 2:34:00 2:45:00 2:56:00
23 km 2:18:00 2:29:30 2:41:00 2:52:30 3:04:00
24 km 2:24:00 2:36:00 2:48:00 3:00:00 3:12:00
25 km 2:30:00 2:42:30 2:55:00 3:07:30 3:20:00
26 km 2:36:00 2:49:00 3:02:00 3:15:00 3:28:00
27 km 2:42:00 2:55:30 3:09:00 3:22:30 3:36:00
28 km 2:48:00 3:02:00 3:16:00 3:30:00 3:44:00
29 km 2:54:00 3:08:30 3:23:00 3:37:30 3:52:00
30 km 3:00:00 3:15:00 3:30:00 3:45:00 4:00:00
31 km 3:06:00 3:21:30 3:37:00 3:52:30 4:08:00
32 km 3:12:00 3:28:00 3:44:00 4:00:00 4:16:00
33 km 3:18:00 3:34:30 3:51:00 4:07:30 4:24:00
34 km 3:24:00 3:41:00 3:58:00 4:15:00 4:32:00
35 km 3:30:00 3:47:30 4:05:00 4:22:30 4:40:00
36 km 3:36:00 3:54:00 4:12:00 4:30:00 4:48:00
37 km 3:42:00 4:00:30 4:19:00 4:37:30 4:56:00
38 km 3:48:00 4:07:00 4:26:00 4:45:00 5:04:00
39 km 3:54:00 4:13:30 4:33:00 4:52:30 5:12:00
40 km 4:00:00 4:20:00 4:40:00 5:00:00 5:20:00
41 km 4:06:00 4:26:30 4:47:00 5:07:30 5:28:00
42 km 4:12:00 4:33:00 4:54:00 5:15:00 5:36:00
Marathon 4:13:10 4:34:16 4:55:22 5:16:28 5:37:34
43 km 4:18:00 4:39:30 5:01:00 5:22:30 5:44:00
44 km 4:24:00 4:46:00 5:08:00 5:30:00 5:52:00
45 km 4:30:00 4:52:30 5:15:00 5:37:30 6:00:00
46 km 4:36:00 4:59:00 5:22:00 5:45:00 6:08:00
47 km 4:42:00 5:05:30 5:29:00 5:52:30 6:16:00
48 km 4:48:00 5:12:00 5:36:00 6:00:00 6:24:00
49 km 4:54:00 5:18:30 5:43:00 6:07:30 6:32:00
50k 5:00:00 5:25:00 5:50:00 6:15:00 6:40:00