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Ovulation Calculator

Enter your last period date and average cycle length to predict your fertile window, ovulation date, intercourse window, pregnancy test date, due date, and safe period through this ovulation calculator.

An advanced ovulation calculator estimates when you may be ovulating to find your most fertile days. This ovulation calendar calculator uses the aging calendar method to find the exact ovulation date that helps you to conceive 3x faster. Simply, give a try to a fertility calculator to estimates your fertile window or predicts when are you most fertile.

Note: This calculator only estimates the most fertile/ovulation days if a woman has a regular menstrual cycle. As it estimates fertile window on the basis of:

you can use  other website Ovulation Calculator in Technical-calculator

  • The first date of your last menstrual period
  • Average Length of Cycles
  • Luteal Phase (optional)

Ovulation and Conception: (Overview):

Ovulation is referred to as the release of eggs from the ovaries. In women, when the ovarian follicles rupture and release the secondary oocyte ovarian cells, this event takes place. Right after ovulation, the egg then moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized. If sperm are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, then there will be a good chance that the egg will be fertilized, creating an embryo, which can grow into baby. And, during ovulation period, your body produces increased amount of hormone called estrogen which triggers further the release of another hormone called luteinising hormone. This luteinizing hormone is the cause of release of an egg from the ovary the release of the egg takes place 24 to 36 hours after the luteinizing hormone level reaches peak point. That is why fertility window is best predicted by luteinizing hormone level around the time of ovulation cycle and this process is called the luteal phase.

Point To Be Consider:

Note: Every month egg is released from one of the ovaries make its way to the uterus through the fallopian tube. It is the time when an egg can be fertilized by the sperm. But this egg can survive only for 12-24 hours while a sperm can live in the female body for three to six days. So, it means that ovulation occurs only one time during each menstrual cycle and typically lasts from 12 to 24 hours. Remember that having regular sexual intercourse 5 days before and on the day of ovulation can improve the chances of conception. Try an online ovulation calculator that helps those couples who intend to have contraception without using medical devices, pill or procedures.

Signs of Ovulation:

There are different symptoms and signs of ovulation in women. It can be vital to know your pregnancy window before it happens as it is essential for the health of the mother and fetus. When women know there is a window for fertilization they are mentally ready to get pregnant.

Signs of Ovulation

The common signs and symptoms of the ovulation are as follows:

  • Rise in basal body temperature
  • Cervical mucus, or vaginal discharge which may appear clearer, thinner, and stretchy, like the texture of egg whites
  • Higher levels of luteinizing hormone (LH)
  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating
  • Light spotting
  • Slight pain or cramping in your side
  • Heightened sense of smell
  • Changes in appetite or mood

These symptoms do not only help you to notice and estimate the exact time of your ovulation (fertile days), you can use an online ovulation calendar to know the best time of conceiving. Also, these symptoms can’t be noticed by every woman. However, some can notice and track their ovulation period. It is good and very helpful to know the fertility window as it can tells you when to try to conceive. Once you got pregnant, try this online pregnancy calculator that calculates your expected due date and shows the pregnancy week by week highlights.

How to Estimate Ovulation with This Calculator:

This ovulation calendar calculator is a free, simple and easy to use. Simply, stick to these steps to compute most fertile days with this accurate fertility calculator:


  • Enter the first date of your last menstrual period into the given field
  • Then, enter the average length of your menstrual cycle
  • Now, enter the luteal phase (optional): if you leave this field empty the calculator considers your average luteal phase about 14 days
  • Finally, hit the calculate button


The calculator estimates:

  • Exact Ovulation Date (best time to conceive)
  • Ovulation Calendar including all important dates
  • Last period date
  • Cycle length
  • Fertile period
  • Next period date
  • Intercourse window
  • Safe period
  • Expected due date
  • Pregnancy test date
  • Important dates for the next 6 cycles

Hope you are going to use this when you have planned for a baby or you want to get pregnant. Using our advanced ovulation calculator online is the most reliable way of knowing your ovulation date, but remember that this calculator only shows the estimations, for a further query you should consult the DOCTOR.

What are Most Fertile Days?

When you have an idea about your average menstrual cycle length, you can easily work out when you ovulate. Remember that ovulation occurs about 14 days before your period starts.

  • If woman’s average menstrual cycle is 28 days, then the ovulating takes place around day 14, and the most fertile days are 12, 13, and 14
  • If woman’s menstrual cycle is 35 days, the ovulating occurs around day 21 and the fertility days are 19, 20, and 21
  • If woman’s menstrual cycle length is shorter, say 21 days, then ovulation occurs around day 7 and the most fertile days are 5, 6, and 7.

Remember That:

Your most fertile days are the 3 days leading up to and even including the day of ovulation. Some women have very irregular menstrual cycles or find it quite difficult to work out an average cycle length. This can really seems like a daunting challenge to work out when ovulation happens. If it’s all too hard, so just having sexual intercourse every 2-3 days covers all bases and even improves your chance of conceiving. Also, you can use an ovulation predictor that predicts exact ovulating day (most fertile days) when chances of getting pregnant are very high.

When Does Ovulation Occur?

When it comes to an average 28-day menstrual cycle, typically ovulation occurs about 14 days before the start of the next menstrual period. But, in most women, ovulating takes place in the 4 days before or after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle.

Simple Ways to Predict Ovulation:

How do you predict ovulation, don’t fret we are here to helps you with-in some legitimate ways that help you to predict ovulating. So, simply take your time to find the one that is right for you!

Tracking Your Menstrual Cycles:

Track Menstrual Cycle

The normal cycles can range from 21-35 days, while the average menstrual cycle is 28 days. When it comes to counting cycle days, you should consider cycle day 1 as the first day of full flow menses. Remember that ovulation “the release of an egg from the ovary” usually takes place 14 days prior to the next menstrual cycle or close to mid-cycle.

You should stick to a menstrual calendar to figure out what is best time to conceive. Remember that if your menstrual cycles are irregular, then this method may not be accurate for you. However, our accurate ovulation calculator doesn't calculate your most fertile days, if your cycle is irregular.

Ovulation Calendar Method:

Well, without considering personal and inter-cycle variation, ovulation takes place about 14 days before the onset of the next period. If you are going to use the calendar method of fertility, then you have to start charting the length of your menstrual cycle and calculate the predicted due date of ovulation from there.

However, this is not always accurate, since every woman and every menstrual cycle is different. Usually, it takes more than 1 year of continuous charting to entirely understand the pattern of your cycle. Although, it is simpler to do so, but it may not be most best and accurate method when you decided to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy naturally. And, if you don’t want to charting manually, then use our free ovulation calendar calculator that shows you the calendar and highlight the fertile period and exact ovulation days.

Basal Body Temperature:

Basal body temperature (BBT) is referred to as a body temperature at rest. Typically, it is important to measure it in the morning, make sure before you get out of bed. Remember that BBT increases about .5°F about 12 hours after ovulation.

Notice that the fertile window starts about 4 days before BBT surges. So, given this, by the time you can track the temperature surge, already it is too late to predict the entire fertile window. You can give a try to fertile window calculator that predict fertile window (fertile period or fertile days) and shows the important date for cycle.

The common problem with this ovulation calculation method is that it is highly affected by environment and health status. As 5°F is a rather small change, environmental temperature change including weather fluctuations, illness, physical exercise, or also the presence of electrical blankets or air conditioning could highly affect your temperature and make BBT fluctuate more than 0.5°F.

Hormone Testing For Ovulation Prediction:

Remember that Luteinizing Hormone or (LH) surges about 24 hours before ovulation. Physiological studies depicted that LH hormone is the primary cause of ovulation. Even also estrogen increases about 4 days before LH surge. Both Estrogen and LH combined to provide women the full fertile window. Apart from the ultrasounds that only can be done in the Hospital, this is said to be the most accurate method doctors use to predict ovulating date.

The daunting phase is that hormone levels significantly vary across different women and cycles. When it comes to Ovulation Prediction Kit (OPK), it determines ovulating day that is based on a set hormone threshold, which entirely leads to false-positive and false-negative outcomes.

Tracking Cervical Mucus Changes to Predict Ovulation:

You ought to note the changes in cervical mucus for tracking ovulation. Studies depicted that ovulating approaches your cervical mucus changes form thick to thin and even almost an egg-white consistency. An advanced ovulation calculator free tells you when does ovulating start and also the most fertile days. Remember that every woman’s cervical is unique, so you ought to consider your own pattern in order to accurately track changes over time.


Can You Get Pregnant 3 Days Before Ovulation?

Keep in mind; you have more chances to get pregnant if you have sexual intercourse during the five days before or on the exact day of ovulation. But, according to experts, the most fertile days are the three days leading up to and including ovulation. So, increase your chances of getting pregnant by having sexual intercourse during this time.

How Long Does It Take For The Sperm to Meet The Egg?

Optimistic studies reveal that a man can ejaculate between 40 million to 150 million sperm that begin swimming toward the fallopian tubes on their mission to fertilize an egg. Studies found that the fast-swimming sperm can reach the egg in a half an hour, while remaining may take days. And, remember that the sperm can live up to 48 to 72 hours. For convenience, consider an online ovulation calculator that helps you to do ovulate test online.

Are Ovulation Calculators Accurate?

No doubt, these calculators are works as an ovulation estimator and they are a good indicator for women's who have a regular menstrual cycle. The results that you'll get from these tools may also be skewed if you have just come off the pill, or you are unsure on when exactly your last period was, or your periods are irregular.

How Does Ovulation Occur?

When a mature egg is released from the ovary, ovulation happens. Then, an egg moves down the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized. If the sperm are in the fallopian tube when the egg is released, then there will be a good chance that an egg fertilized, developing an embryo, which then can grow into baby. Simply, give a try to ovulation date calculator to know exact ovulate date. Also, fertility calendar will assists you to determine the most fertile dates.


Our fertile days calculator is work as an ovulation predictor online that is not suitable for women who are already pregnant. It cannot or should not be taken into account for preventing pregnancy. We designed this tool for educational purposes only and the outcomes that you will get with the ease of this tool is just an estimation. So, you should have to consult with your MEDICAL Expert for better advice.


From the source of Wikipedia: All you need to ovulate (Clinical representation) and much more From the source of parents: Finding Your Most Fertile Days (Simple Steps) From the source of i-Ovulation Calculator: Symptoms and Signs of ovulation, get the best online Ovulation Calculator to figure out the most fertile days. From the authorized site ncbi: The timing of the “fertile window” in the menstrual cycle (Study) From the source of livescience: Ovulation (an ultimate guide here