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Mass Percent Calculator

The calculator will try to calculate the mass percent of solute in a given mass of solution. Also, the tool will calculate various other factors related to chemical solution.

This mass percent calculator will let you calculate the mass percent of a solute in a given mass of a solution within no time. Yes, if you are looking for exact proportions of different components in a substance, then you are a couple of taps away from exact outputs. And all this is possible with the assistance of this best mass volume percent calculator. Let’s find how!

What Is Mass Percent?

In the context of chemistry:

“Mass percent is a parameter that gives you an idea about the molarity of a solute present in a solution”

Besides, we have another free molarity calculator that allows you to compensate with actual concentrations of the solution as a whole.

Difference Among Mass Percent And Percentage Composition:

Both of these terms are a little bit puzzling but no worries! We will be exploring the major distinction among both.

Mass Percent

Percent Composition
It represents the actual percent of a certain solute in a solution

Ir shows percent value for each and every chemical component in a substance solution

How To Find Mass Percent?

Here you can determine the mass percentage by our free experimental mass percent calculator. But we need to consider different variants of the mass percent formula as well. It will help you to grasp the concept.

For Compounds:

Mass Percent = (Mass of Component / Total Mass of Compound) * 100

For Solute In Solution:

Mass Percent = (Mass of Solute / Mass of Solution) * 100

Whole Solution:

Mass of Solution = Mass of Solute + Mass of Solvent

For Solute or Solvent:

Now here, calculating mass percent of solute and solvent only requires rearranging of the above formula as follows:

Mass of Solvent = Mass of Solution - Mass of Solute

Mass of Solute = Mass of Solution - Mass of Solvent

Our free mass percent calculator chemistry will instantly sort out any component that may be present in a solution.

Other Mass Percent Formulas:

In stoichiometric calculations where the volume and mass percent of a solution is involved, we have other percent by percent equations which are given as under:

(Weight/Volume)% = (Weight of Solute/Volume of Solution)*100

(Weight/Weight)% = (Weight of Solute/Weight of Solution)*100

(Volume/Volume)% = (Volume of Solute/Volume of Solution)*100

How To Calculate Mass Percent?

Continue to read examples mentioned below so that you may capture the theme in your mind regarding mass percent concept. Stay Focused!

Example # 01:

How to find mass percent of a solution for hydrogen in a given solution of dihydrogen monoxide?


Here we are going to use mass percent formula for calculating mass of hydrogen as follows:
If you note\(H_{2}O\), there are exactly two atoms of hydrogen. As the atomic mass of one hydrogen atom is about 1.0078amu (for calculations, tap atomic mass calculator), so we have:

Mass Percent = (Mass of Component / Total Mass of Compound) * 100

Mass Percent = (2*1.0078 / 18.0158) * 100 Mass Percent = (2.0156 / 18.0158) * 100

Mass Percent = (0.1118) * 100 Mass Percent = 11.1890%

For instant verifications, you may use this free mass percent calculator chemistry.

Example # 02:

How to find percent by mass (%w/v) for a diluted solution of NaCl that is 140mL in quantity and contains 3.6 grams of salt in it?


Using formula for mass percentage as under:

(Weight/Volume)% = (Weight of Solute/Volume of Solution)*100

(Weight/Volume)% = (3.6/140)*100 (Weight/Volume)% = 2.57%

How Mass Percent Calculator Works?

Let’s see how you could calculate mass percent for any element or a chemical solution with the assistance of this percent by mass calculator.


  • From the first drop-down list, select the element or chemical or solution for which you want to determine the mass percent
  • After you are done with your choice, go for entering the required parameter values in their designated fields
  • At last, hit the calculate button to calculate percent mass


The free mass percentage calculator does the following calculations:

  • Calculate the mass percentage of each element or atom in a chemical or a solution, respectively
  • Determines the mass percent for a solution
  • Displays a detailed chart representing all parameters involved in calculating mass percent


Is percent by mass the same as percent by volume?

No, both of these quantities have different meanings. Where the percent by mass ratio is for solute quantity to solution ratio in terms of mass, the percent by volume allows you to examine the ratio of solute to solvent in terms of volume.

What is the percent composition of oxygen in Naoh?

As a whole, the percent bypass composition of the oxygen in NaOH is almost 40%. For instance, you can also use our best mass volume percent calculator.


Calculating mass percent values for a chemical reaction allows you to determine the whole number formula for solute and solvent combinations. These whole number formulas can be calculated by using an empirical formula calculator anyway. Rest when it comes to calculate mass percent, then using this mass percent calculator chemistry is the only choice left for you that is trustworthy.


From the source of Wikipedia: Mass fraction (chemistry), Terminology, Mixing ratio, Mass concentration, Molar concentration, Spatial variation and gradient

From the source of libretexts: Mass Percent Composition from a Chemical Formula, Dichlorine heptoxide

From the source of Lumen Learning:  Solution Concentrations, Mass Percentage, Volume Percentage, Parts per Million and Parts per Billion