Recommended by Arborists, the calculator helps you to get accurate weight, volume, and other stack-related calculations for your log/board stock.
The log weight calculator helps to know how much a log weighs based on its species, wood specifications, and dimensions (length & width). The tool also provides you with the accurate volume of logs, the number of logs/boards that could fit in a stack, and its overall weight.
The calculator provides results for both “Log” and “Board”.
If you select Log:
If you select Board:
The first step in calculating log weight is the ‘green’ density. If you know this, then you can use the following formula to get accurate weight output:
Assuming the Log Is Perfect Cylinder:
Weight = ρ_(green) * v
π *(Diameter/2)^2 * Length
Assuming the Log Is Tapered Cylinder:
Weight = d₁ + d₂ / 2 × (d) × length × Density
The weight of the log depends upon four factors that include:
Where a smaller log/board could be of a few pounds, the larger unit can be of several tons. According to the reference provided by the market survey, a freshly-cut log of wood with an average density weight of about 50 lbs/cu ft. but this figure is not the same for every other species. It is dependent on the density of the wood.
This is why the log weight calculator provides you with real-time results based on the custom dimension and species of the log.
Due to the varying green density, the moisture content in every other tree species is not the same. This can be confirmed by the following wood weight chart that provides the green densities of almost all major tree species around the global market:
Species | Density lb/ft³ | Species | Density lb/ft³ |
Alder, red | 46 | Magnolia ev. | 59 |
Apple | 55 | Maple, red | 50 |
Ash, green | 47 | Maple, Silver | 45 |
Ash, Oregon | 48 | Maple, sugar | 56 |
Ash, white | 48 | Oak, black | 62 |
Aspen, quaking | 43 | Oak, Cali. black | 66 |
Bald cypress | 51 | Oak, English | 52 |
Basswood | 42 | Oak, live | 76 |
Beech | 54 | Oak, pin | 64 |
Birch, paper | 50 | Oak, post | 63 |
Birch, Yellow | 57 | Oak, red | 63 |
Butternut | 46 | Oak, scarlet | 64 |
Cedar, incense | 45 | Oak, white | 62 |
Cedar, western red | 28 | Osage orange | 62 |
Cherry, black | 45 | Pecan | 61 |
Chestnut | 55 | Persimmon | 63 |
Chinaberry | 50 | Pine, loblolly | 53 |
Cottonwood | 49 | Pine, lodgepole | 39 |
Elm, American | 54 | Pine, longleaf | 55 |
Fir, Douglas | 39 | Pine, ponderosa | 46 |
Fir, noble | 29 | Pine, slash | 58 |
Fir, white | 47 | Pine, sugar | 52 |
Gum, black | 45 | Pine, white | 36 |
Gum, red | 50 | Poplar, Yellow | 38 |
Hackberry | 50 | Redwood coastal | 50 |
Hemlock eastern | 49 | Sassafras | 44 |
Hemlock western | 41 | Spruce, Red | 34 |
Hickory Shagbark | 64 | Spruce, Sitka | 32 |
Honey locust | 63 | Sweetgum | 55 |
Horse chestnut | 41 | Sycamore | 52 |
Larch | 51 | Tamarack | 47 |
Locust, black | 58 | Walnut, black | 58 |
Locust, honey | 61 | Willow | 32 |
Out of the best natural wood materials, Ipe and Teak are the two most widely used wood types for furniture manufacture. Other types include black Locust, Acacia, and California Redwood. All these woods are known for their ultimate durability, beauty, and strictly tested weather resistance.
A 10-foot Oak Log will approximately weight about 3,629.3 pounds.
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