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KD Calculator

Enter the number of kills, deaths, and assists (optional) to calculate your KD & KDA ratio.


KD Calculator:

This KD calculator works to calculate Kill/Death/Assist (KDA) ratio for a video game. With the help of this KD ratio calculator, assess your performance and compare it to other players. 

What Is KD In Games?

“The ratio of kills and deaths in a game is known as the kill to death ratio”

Your KD ratio is a common statistic that is used in competitive video games. It shows your average number of kills for each time you die. A higher KD value represents a better performance in terms of eliminating opponents. 

What Is A Good KD Ratio?

It depends upon the game because every single game has its battlegrounds, varying paces, mechanics, and objectives that can influence how often players get killed and die.


  • Above 1.00: It means more kills than deaths on average, it’s a good range
  • 1.20 - 1.60: This is a good range for most of the competitive games. It indicates a good performance
  • Higher Than 2.00: It means the player has exceptional skill. Especially where you face strong skill-based matchmaking (SBMM)


KDA includes kills, deaths, and assists, providing a broader view of a player's performance. as compared to KD. While KD only takes kills and deaths, focusing on the individual eliminating skills.

Well, our KD calculator finds both KD as well as KDA ratios to track the performance!

Which One To Use?

  • KD: This ratio is a good choice for games where individual takedowns matter
  • KDA: It is good for the games where teamwork and supporting teammates are important

How To Calculate KD And KDA Ratio?

KD = Kills Deaths

KDA = (Kills + Assists) Deaths


Solved Examples:

#1: How much is a KD for a player playing Valorant if:

  • Number of kills = 2
  • Number of deaths = 3


By putting values in the KD formula:

KD = 2 3

KD = 0.666.. or 0.67 approx.

#2: Let's say you are playing a game and you have the following stats:

  • Kills = 10
  • Deaths = 5
  • Assists = 6

Now calculate your KDA.


Add values in the KDA formula:

KDA = (10 + 6) 5

KDA = 16 5

KDA = 3.2 

How To Use The KD Calculator?

These are the steps to use our calculator:

  • Add the number of kills, and deaths
  • To calculate KDA, enter the number of assists you contributed. Otherwise, leave this field empty
  • Click on the “Calculate” button and the kill death ratio calculator will display your KD or KDA ratio


How Many Kills Do I Need To Raise My KD?

To enhance your KD ratio, you need to increase the number of kills relative to your deaths. If your ratio is low (around 1.0), doing a few extra kills can make a big difference. But if your KD is already high (above 2.0), then you will need to make a lot of kills to make it noticeable.

Is 1.4 KD Apex Good?

Yes, A 1.4 KD in Apex Legends is considered good enough! It shows you are getting more kills than deaths on average.

Is A 3 KD In Fortnite good?

Yes, a 3 KD in Fortnite is considered very good.

What Is Positive KD?

A positive KD ratio indicates you are doing more kills than deaths on average. KD ratio above 1 is considered a positive value.

What Is Negative KD?

A KD ratio of less than 1 is considered a negative KD. It indicates you are getting less kills as compared to your death rate.

Who Has The Highest KD In Warzone?

Scxrcee has the highest KD ratio (4.65) in the Warzone. 


From the source of halo.fandom.com: KD, Kill-Death Ratio.