Write down the values of probability, variance, and standard deviation in their designated fields to calculate confidence interval and inverse normal probability distribution through this calculator.
An online invnorm calculator helps you to compute the inverse normal probability distribution and confidence interval for the given values. It also displays a graph for confidence level, left, right and two tails on the basis of probability, mean, standard deviation.
In statistics, the inverse normal distribution is an inverse working method of finding the value of x from a known probability. This is an informal term and does not involve any specific probability distribution.
The Invnorm formula uses the following parameters:
\(f\left(x, μ, σ\right) = \dfrac{1}{ σ\sqrt{2 π}}\int_{- \inf}^{x} e\left(\dfrac{-\left(t-μ\right)^{2}}{2σ^{2}}\right)dt\)
μ = mean
σ = variance
x = independent variable
An online inverse normal distribution calculator helps you to find inverse probability distribution by following steps:
From the source of Wikipedia: Relation to original distribution, Reciprocal distribution, Inverse uniform distribution, Inverse t distribution, Reciprocal normal distribution.
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