Select the type and input the number to calculate the inverse modulo by using this calculator.
Use this inverse modulo calculator to calculate the modular inverse of an integer. So let’s move on and discuss this tricky concept in detail and check how this free calculator will help us to speed up our calculations.
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In the light of applied mathematics:
“A particular integer number x is said to be ad the inverse modulo of a random integer a if it yields the identity element after performing certain mathematical operations from x to a”
To understand the tricky concept of the inverse modulo, you must be aware of the modulo congruence explained in the upcoming section. So just stay focused!
Whenever in mathematical calculations the word Congruent is seen, this means there is some equivalency being described in the phenomenon.
Likewise, we have the following scenario to describe the congruence in case of inverse modulo:
Now the integers x and y will be considered congruent to each other if:
Also, we have another approach in this case:
If the difference of the integers x and y (x-y) yields zero when divided by the natural number n, they are said to be equivalent of each other
a ≡ b (mod n)
Our free inverse modulo calculator with steps also displays the final answer in the generic form mentioned above.
Depending upon the operation being used on the integers x and a, there are a couple of inverse modulo types described as under:
We all are familiar with the additive identity which is 0. Now when it comes to additive inverse modulo that could also be determined by using this inverse modulo calculator in seconds, we have the following situation: (Keep in mind that the condition must be fulfilled)
a + x ≡ 0 (mod m)
Let’s elaborate the above expression to understand it better:
Just like additive identity, the multiplicative identity is 1. Coming to the point, the modular multiplicative inverse of any number satisfies the expression as defined below:
a * x ≡ 1 mod m
The above expression elaborates that:
As far as the analysis of multiplicative modular inverse is concerned, we have various approaches to determine it. These include:
This is indeed the simplest method to determine the modular multiplicative inverse of a number. But on the other hand, it includes a lengthy analysis. Let’s discuss further!
{0, ..., m - 1}
In this method, we are required to perform division of a * x by modulo number m. The combination that yields the remainder 1 is considered the multiplicative modular inverse combination. No doubt this is a very lengthy process and that is why we advise you using our free inverse modulo calculator with steps.
This particular method take into consideration the Bezout’s Identity that states:
“Make a supposition that you are having four integers divided into two groups as:
Now these sets of integers are able to follow the Bezout’s identity if:
a * x + b * y = gcd(a, b)”
So let’s move on and learn how to determine the modular multiplicative inverse using this identity:
What you need to keep in mind here is that:
gcd(a,m) = 1
Following the Bezout’s identity, we have:
a * x + m * y = 1
Now moving towards analysis of the multiplicative modular inverse on the basis of the data above mentioned:
We need to apply the mod operation on both sides of the equation [mod(m)]
This allows us to know that:
m * y ≡ 0 (mod m)
The above expression means that o modulo m must be congruent to the multiples of integers. And it helps us to determine the following equation:
a * x ≡ 1 (mod m)
This operation considers a couple of facts mentioned below:
Keeping in view the above mentioned theory, Fermat introduced new way of calculating multiplicative modular inverse of numbers which is as under:
“If a is not factored by m in case m is prime, then you can easily divide \(a^{m-1} - 1\) by th integer m”
By taking into consideration the above statement, we can write:
\(a^{m-1} ≡ 1 mod m\)
Here the interesting fact to know is that whatever the method you choose for calculations, our best modular inverse calculator with steps will satisfy the results calculated from each method.
Let this free modulo inverse calculator determine the modular inverse within a few clicks. Let’s have a look at the steps that you must follow to operate this calculator.
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The free inverse solver does the following calculations:
The inverse of the given combination of integers is 15 that you can also verify by subjecting to the best inverse modulo calculator.
As the name justifies that we need to add a negative number of the same number that we are required to determine the additive inverse of.
Generic Representation:
a +(-a) = 0
The inverse modulo of the given set of integers is 927. For instance, you can also verify the results by putting the values in our free online mod inverse calculator.
The concept of inverse modulo is worth considering as it aids in determining the solutions to the linear system of congruences. And this is why we have developed this inverse modulo calculator with steps to calculate the exact inverse in terms of modulus for any integer number.
From the source of Wikipedia: Modular multiplicative inverse, Modular arithmetic, Integers modulo m, Computation, Euler's theorem, Applications
From the source of Khan Academy: Modular inverses, Fast modular exponentiation, Modular multiplication, Modular exponentiation, The Euclidean Algorithm
From the source of Lumen Learning: Characteristics of Inverse Functions, Domain and Range
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