Select the calculator mode and input the required parameters in their fields. The tool will readily calculate child height when he/she will be grown to an adult.
The height calculator instantly predicts the future adult height of your child. It uses scientifically proven methods to give you precise results in less than a second.
This tool determines the height by considering the average height of parents, and also facilitates the conversion of heights into various units.
You can never predict the 100% accurate height of a baby when he/she will become an adult. Height is a biological phenomenon that is dependent on several factors like age, health, activity, gender, etc.
You should know these parameters contribute only 20-40% to the height prediction. The major impact is still determined by genetics which is 60-80%.
Newborn babies will grow fast from birth till 2nd birthday. After that, the growth slows down. But during puberty (13 or 14 years of age) the height again begins to increase at a high pace. This biological process continues till the age of 15 years (For Girls) and 18 years (For Boys)
Height depends upon the DNA combinations of your parents and perfect calculations in this case are not guaranteed. But our child height predictor calculator uses a couple of scientifically proven methods to predict your future height with maximum accuracy.
There is no proven method to predict the accurate height of a child. However, several formulas have been optimized that help you better estimate the results. With that, remember that every other child has a different growth rate. Where one gains height very rapidly, the other of the same age might not.
Our tool predict child’s height by using two well-known methods that include:
If the heights of parents are known, you can predict the child’s height by using the following equations:
(Mother’s Height + Father’s Height)/2
Girl’s Future Height = Mid-Parental Height – 2½ in (or 6.5 cm)
Boy’s Future Height = Mid-Parental Height + 2½ in (or 6.5 cm)
This is one of the most accurate methods used in the child height calculator. If your child is 4 years old or above, this method is best to predict his/her adult height. The basic formula is given as follows:
Khamis Roche Height = Child Weight + (Mother Height + Father Height)/2
Margin of Error:
This method is also an accurate way to estimate the future height of any child. In this method, an X-ray of the child’s left hand, wrist, and fingers is taken. Afterwards, it is compared with the Greulich-Pyle Atlas which is a set of standard bone images.
Now there are three factors that surely assist:
Considering these parameters, the remaining growth is analyzed at the present bone age which gives a child’s height prediction more precisely.
Medical experts use the bone age method to check how well or poorly the child’s skeleton is growing. It helps them to analyze certain factors that might contribute to the increase or decrease of skeletal growth.
CDC growth charts have been prepared for the children of the United States of America. There are a total of 16 charts in this method that help in predicting the future height of a child. Different body part measurements of children are compared to that of the standard chart values that are taken for children of the same age.
The height of children increases exponentially. As CDC growth charts also contain exponential curves, they can be a helpful way to estimate the maximum height that the child will attain at the age of maturity.
Most boys stop growing at the age of 18. On the other hand, girls usually stop growing when they are 14 or 15 or when menstruation starts.
The CDC growth chart below gives a clear picture of the growth cycle of boys & girls with respect to increasing age.
Below are the average heights of boys according to their ages. You can also use a predicted height calculator boys to estimate your height in the coming few years.
Age (Years) | Median Male Height | |
Feet & Inches | Centimetres | |
4 | 3.4 | 102 |
6 | 3.9 | 115.5 |
8 | 4.2 | 128 |
10 | 4.6 | 138.5 |
12 | 4.11 | 149 |
14 | 5.4 | 164 |
16 | 5.8 | 173.5 |
18 | 5.9 | 176 |
20 | 5.9 | 177 |
Age (Years) | Median Female Height | |
Feet & Inches | Centimetres | |
4 | 3.3 | 101 |
6 | 3.9 | 115 |
8 | 4.2 | 127.5 |
10 | 4.7 | 138 |
12 | 4.11 | 151.5 |
14 | 5.4 | 160.5 |
16 | 5.4 | 162.5 |
18 | 5.4 | 163 |
20 | 5.5 | 163 |
There is no magic pill that could increase your height if you are shorter. Height is not something that is under the control of anyone but still, you can contribute to increasing your height or getting taller.
We have mentioned some tips to increase your height, have a look at them!
If you’re thinking that how tall am I going to be as a boy, then keep in mind that you will be 162.4 cm tall at the age of 14. If you are a girl, then your average height at 14 years of age will be 159.8 cm. You can also calculate by using a height prediction calculator.
Absolutely Yes! It does matter if the genetical code of both the children is the same. If one child eats a healthy diet as compared to the other one, he/she will definitely be taller than the other one. However, the height estimator can also help you compare their future adult heights depending on the current increments in heights.
When your age increases by 3.5 years, your height doubles. And after 12 years, it will triple. Using our 100 percent accurate height predictor calculator can let you know the actual difference in the height with every passing year.
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