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Grade Calculator

The final grade calculator will try to calculate the grade of all subjects depending upon their weighted average, with the steps shown.


Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Current Grade

Target Grade

Final Exam Weight:


Your grade was:

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Your grade was

It is worth:


You want a final grade of..

Use the grade calculator to find out your grade of various courses based on the weighted average. So, eliminate manual calculations and simplify grade management because the calculator accepts both numerical as well as letter grades of different subjects.

How To Calculate Final Grade?

The common formula used for calculating the final grade is written below. The common formula for the final grade is as follows:

G = Fw + ( (1−w) × C )


  • F = Final exam grade
  • G = Grade you want for the class
  • w = The Weight of the final exam, divided by 100
  • C = Your current grade

Examples 1:

Considering a high school student's score in Economics that was 91%. The final exam score was 88.6% and it was worth 15% of my grade for the course. What is my final grade in the course?


G =?

F = 88.6

w = 15%=15/100=0.15

C = 91 G=88.6×0.15+((1−0.15)×91)









How To Use The Calculator?

The semester grade calculator is efficient to find the grade of high school students in almost all the known grade systems of the world. You can find the result of different percent and letter grading by the grading calculator points with weights.  

Required Entities:

  • Select the grading system the drop down menu
  • Enter the corresponding values to find the grade

Results Summary: The result is displayed according to your grading system. So, look at the results below:

  • For American grading system displaying A+ outstanding
  • For UK  grading system displaying A* outstanding
  • For Australian  grading system displaying Band “6” for outstanding

Grade Point Average:

The GPA is a number that indicates how well or how high you scored in your courses on average. To convert your Grade point average to various scales, take a look at the below table:

Letter Grade  Grade %  GPA scale 4
A+ 97-100 4.0
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 97-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
B 77-79 2.3
C+ 75-77 2.0
C 73-75 1.7
C- 71-73 1.3
D 68-70 1.0
D- 65-67 0.0
E/F Below 65 Fail

The letter “A+” represents the highest grade and the E/F considered as Fail. For your convenience, it is better to use the GPA calculator to make the complex problems easy.

Grading Systems In Various Countries:

Country Grading System Grade Points Percentage Ranges
United States Letter Grades 4.00 90-100%
    3.00 80-89%
    2.00 70-79%
    1.00 60-69%
    0.00 0-59%
Canada Percentage 4.00 90-100%
    3.00 80-89%
    2.00 70-79%
    1.00 60-69%
    0.50 50-59%
    0.00 0-49%
United Kingdom Letter Grades 5.00 90-100%
    4.00 80-89%
    3.00 70-79%
    2.00 60-69%
    1.00 50-59%
    0.50 40-49%
    0.00 0-39%
Australia Letter Grades 4.50 95-100%
    4.00 85-94%
    3.00 75-84%
    2.00 65-74%
    1.00 55-64%
    0.50 50-54%
    0.00 0-49%
New Zealand Letter Grades 4.00 90-100%
    3.00 75-89%
    2.00 65-74%
    1.00 50-64%
    0.00 0-49%
Japan Percentage 4.00 100-90%
    3.00 89-80%
    2.00 79-70%
    1.00 69-60%
    0.50 59-50%
    0.00 0-49%