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eDPI Calculator

Choose the game and find its eDPI (effective dot per inch).

eDPI Calculator:

This calculator helps to find the eDPI for a particular game based on DPI and in-game sensitivity. Use this tool to calculate eDPI for a wide array of games including CS:Go, Call of Duty, Valorant, Fortnite, Overwatch, and Apex Legend. 

What is eDPI?

eDPI is the short form of ‘Effective Dots per Inch’. It describes the overall sensitivity of your mouse movement. This movement allows gamers to compare the sensitivity difference between players regardless of the software or hardware used. You can check your mouse eDPI with the given formula:

\(\ eDPI = DPI \times \text {In game sensitivity}\)


  • DPI: It stands for ‘Dots per inch’, sometimes called ‘Counts per inch’ (CPI). It measures dots/counts/pixels shown on the screen when your cursor moves by 1 inch (2.54 cm).
  • In-game Sensitivity: It is the setting of the game that influences how quickly your character reacts to mouse movements. 

This formula only applies to check eDPI that uses decimal-based sensitivity systems. And for percent-based, there's a need to convert the sensitivity (dividing by 100 or just moving the decimal two places left).  

Apart from this manual determination, you can find the eDPI for both game sensitivities with the help of this eDPI finder which makes the process more efficient. 

How to Calculate eDPI for Valorant, Fortnite, Overwatch, CS:Go, Call of Duty, and Apex Legend?

The method to calculate the eDPI remains the same for all the games. This can be computed by multiplying your DPI and in-game sensitivity same as mentioned in the above formula. 

Did You Know!

  • Valorant and CS:GO – In these games, a 360-degree view is utilized where an in-game sensitivity setting of 1.0 generally results in a complete 360-degree rotation. Our eDPI calculator automatically factors in a 360-degree conversion when specifically dealing with these games.
  • Fortnite, Call of Duty, Overwatch, and Apex Legends – These games may not employ a direct 360-degree conversion, but the basic eDPI computational remains unchanged (DPI x in-game sensitivity). 


Let us suppose two players using different DPIs with drastically different settings.

Player DPI Ingame Sensitivity eDPI
Player A 400 2 400 x 2 = 800
Player B 1600 0.5 1600 x 0.5 = 800

These players use different setups but have the same eDPI. While the eDPI calculator doesn't necessarily account for how these settings will feel in-game. This tool just factors in both DPI and in-game sensitivity and finds the overall mouse sensitivity. 

DPI & Sensitivity Settings for Gamers

DPI Range Sensitivity Setting Use
Below 400 Very Low

Ideal for those who prefer precise, slow cursor movements

400-800 Low For normal everyday use
800-1600 Medium

Good for those who enjoy a variety of game genres

1600-3200 High

Best for fast-paced games where quick reactions are crucial

3200-6400 Very High Used for 4K display and for those who prioritize speed over precision

FAQs (Effective Dots per Inch):

Why is lower eDPI better?

A lower eDPI leads to slower and generates precise mouse movements. Typically, dots per inch directly impact the speed and sensitivity of the mouse. Therefore, most of the mice offer maximum DPI settings whose level of performance is far beyond what is necessary for video gaming.

What eDPI do pros use?

Around 150 - 300 eDPI Most often professional gamers operate within the range of 150 - 300 eDPI, while high-sensitivity players may go as high as 300 - 450 effective dots per inch (eDPI).

What is a good mouse sensitivity for gaming?

1.0 in-game sensitivity is considered the most precise mouse movement. This can easily be handled by the game engine and it is recommended to use this sensitivity till you feel comfortable with it.

Why is eDPI useful for gamers?

eDPI helps gamers to accurately compare sensitivity levels, regardless of their hardware or software settings. 

Can I compare eDPI settings during games?

No, an eDPI is the product of DPI and sensitivity, so the output will be changed for each selected game based on various sensitivity scales and parameters.  Consider using this eDPI calculator that can not only calculate your eDPI but also provide CM/360° and In/360° that help to analyze the setting of the game.

Is 300 eDPI high?

Pro Valorant players usually aim for an EDPI of 280, suggesting that an optimal sensitivity range would fall between 260 and 300.