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Divisible Calculator

Enter your dividend and divisor and the tool will try to divide them.

This free online divisible calculator will help you to calculate whether a given number is divisible by another number. Use this calculator to perform the division process and let you know whether the numerator is divisible by the denominator completely or not with the assistance of this divisibility calculator.

What is a divisible number?

In mathematics, the divisible number is defined as:

“A number is said to be divisible by another number if it can be divided by that number”

Division rules or methods generally help to check whether a given number is divisible by another number without using the actual division method. Let’s find how!

  • If a number is completely divisible by another number and the quotient will become a whole number and the remainder will become a zero.
  • But on the other hand, every number is not completely divisible by every other number and such a number leaves a remainder other than zero.

Go through the below article to know division rules from 1 to 13 in Maths that are explained with many solved examples. These are:

Divisibility Rule of 1:

“Every number is divisible by 1 since this rule doesn’t have any condition”

For example: 5 is divisible by 1 and 5000 is also divisible by 1 thoroughly.

Divisibility Rule of 2:

“If a number is entirely even or a number whose last digit includes an even number such as 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 866, 678, then It is divisible by 2 completely”

For example: 708 has an even number therefore it is divisible by 2 but 709 is not an even number and is not divisible by 2.

Divisibility Rules for 3:

“According to this rule, a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits equal to the multiple of 3”

For example: Consider a number, 308. To check whether the given number is divisible by 3 or not, firstly take the sum of the digits (i.e. 3+0+8= 11). If the sum of the given number is a multiple of 3, then we can say the original number is divisible by 3. Here, 11 is not a multiple of 3 therefore 308 is also not divisible by 3. Likewise, 555 is always divisible by 3 completely as the sum of its digits i.e. 5+5+5=15 which is a multiple of 3. However, you can verify the above example by using our online divisible calculator.

Divisibility Rule of 4:

“If the last two digits of a given number are multiple of 4 then we can say that it is divisible by 4 completely”

For example:

Take the number 2308. Since the last two digits of a given i.e. 08 is a multiple of 4. Hence, the original number 2308 is divisible by 4.

Divisibility Rule of 5:

“Those numbers in which the last digits have 0 or 5 are divisible by 5 completely”

For example: 10, 10000, 10000005, 595, 396524850, and more are always divisible by 5 completely since the last digits have 0 or 5.

Divisibility Rule of 6:

“The multiple of 2 and 3 are always divisible by 6. If the last digit of the number is even and the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3, then the given number is also divisible by 6”

For example: Consider a number 630, the given number is divisible by 2 as the last digit is 0. And, the sum of digits of a given number is 6+3+0 = 9, which is also divisible by 3. Thus, 630 is divisible by 6.

Divisibility Rules for 7:

The divisibility rule for 7 is a bit complicated. Follow the steps to understand this rule and is given as:

  • Remove the last digit of the given number and double it
  • Then, subtract from the given remaining number
  • If the number is zero or recognizable by 2 digits multiple of 7, then it will the divisible of 7.
  • Otherwise, it will not divisibility by 7 and you need to start the process again

Besides, our online divisibility rules calculator will help you to clarify the above example once you enter the parameters.

For example: Is 1073 divisible by 7?

According to the rule, first remove 3 from the number and double this number, it becomes 6. Then, the remaining becomes 107, so 107-6 = 101. Repeating the process again one or more times, you have 1 x 2 = 2. The given remaining number 10 – 2 = 8. As 8 is not divisible by 7, therefore the number 1073 is not divisible by 7.

Divisibility Rule of 8:

“If the last three digits of a number are multiple of 8, then the given number is divisible by 8”

For example:

Consider the number 24344. Since the last three digits are. 344. The given number is divisible by 8, therefore the original number 24344 is divisible by 8.

Divisibility Rule of 9:

“If the sum of the digits of a given number is multiple of 9, then the number itself is called divisible by 9”

For example:

Take the number 78532, as the sum of its digits (7+8+5+3+2=25), which is not divisible by 9, so 78532 is not divisible by 9.

Divisibility Rule of 10:

“According to this rule, any number whose last digit has 0, is always divisible by 10”.

For example: 10, 20, 30, 1000, 5000, 60000, etc are divisible by 10

Divisibility Rules for 11:

“Whether the difference of the sum of substitute digits of a given number and that number is divisible by 11 thoroughly”

For example: In order to review whether a number like 2143 is divisible by 11 or not, below is the procedure. These are:

  • First of all, make the group with alternative digits i.e. odd digits placed together and even digits placed together. Here 24 and 13 are two different groups.
  • Once you make the alternative group, then take the sum of the digits of each group i.e. 2+4=6 and 1+3= 4
  • After that, find the difference of the sums 6-4=2 If the difference becomes equal to divisible by 11, then the given original number is also divisible by 11. Here 2 is the difference and it is not divisible by 11.

Divisibility Rule of 12:

“If the given number is divisible by both 3 and 4, then the original number is divisible by 12 completely”

For example: Consider the number 5864 Sum of the digits = 5 + 8 + 6 + 4 = 23 since the given value is not a multiple of 3 On the other hand, the last two digits = 64 which is divisible by 4 The number 5846 is divisible by 4 but not by 3; therefore, it is not divisible by 12.

Divisibility Rules for 13:

“Whether you want to check if the given number is divisible by 13, you have to add four times the last digit of the number to the remaining number, and the process repeats until you get a two-digit number”

For example:

2795 → 279 + (5 x 4) = 279 + (20) = 299 = 29 + (9 x 4) = 29 + 36 =65

Number 65 is divisible by 13, 13 x 5 = 65. Since we described all the divisible rules above and these are followed by our divisibility calculator to perform calculations accurately.

Table Chart:

In this table, we have discussed the most widely used divider with the corresponding dividend. These are given as:

Divider  Dividend
2, 4, 6, 8,10,12,14, 16…
3 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21…
4 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28…
5 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30… 
6 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42… 
7 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49… 
8 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56… 
9 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 63… 
10 10, 20, 30, 1000, 5000…  

Also, you can use our online divisible calculator to calculate a divider to the corresponding dividend to make calculations quickly.

Solved Example:


Example #1:

Check if the number 298 is divisible by 2.


The given number is 288 According to the divisible rule of 2, if the last digit of 288 is a multiple of 2, then 288 is divisible by 2. The last digit of the given number is 8, which is divisible by 2, such that: 8/2 = 4 Therefore, 288 is followed by the divisibility rule for 2.

Example #2:

Check if 185 is divisible by 4 or not.


Since the last digit of 185 is 5, which is not divisible by 4. Therefore, 185 is not divisible by 4.

How Does the Divisible Calculator Work?

This online divisible calculator is a fast and reliable way to perform calculations in a couple of steps. Just enter the following input parameters to obtain the result easily and quickly. Input:

  • Firstly, enter the divisor number
  • Then, enter the dividend number
  • Finally, click on the “Calculate” button

Output: This divisibility calculator determines the following results:

  • The given number is divisible or not with a complete solution
  • Quotient and remainder with respect to divisor and dividend


What is meant by divisibility rules?

An easy way to determine whether the given number is divided by a fixed divisor without performing the division process.

Is 18 divisible by 3?

Yes, since 18 is a multiple of 3, therefore 18 is divisible by 3. The number 18 is also a multiple of other numbers i.e., 2, 6, and 9

Is 6 divisible by 4?

No, 6 is not a divisor of 4, that’s why we can say that 6 is not divisible by 4. You can also check it by using our best divisible calculator.


Generally, a divisibility rule is a simple and useful way to determine whether a given integer is divisible by a fixed divisor or not without performing actual division by examining its digits. Moreover, you can make such calculations by using our online divisible calculator.


From the source of Wikipedia: Divisibility rule, Divisibility rules for numbers, From the source of Khan academy: Divisibility tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10