Enter the function, choose the variable, and click on the “Calculate” button to calculate the difference quotient.
Use this difference quotient calculator to find how much a function changes on average over a specific interval. Our tool displays stepwise calculations to measure the slope of the secant line which passes through two points.
"Difference quotient is a mathematical expression used to measure the slope of the secant line between the two different points on the graph of a function."
In simple words, the difference quotient measures the rate of change of a function f(x) for x in a given interval [x, x + h].
The difference quotient equation measures the approximated form of the derivative as:
f(x) = f(x + h) – f(x) h
The difference quotient formula provides an approximation of a function's derivative.
Follow these steps to determine difference quotients:
Example #1:
Find the difference quotient for the following function:
F(x) = x2 + 4
To find f(x + h), put x + h instead of x:
f(x + h) = (x + h)2 + 4
= ((x + h)2 + 4) – (x2 + 4) h
= h2+2hx + x2 + 4 - x2 - 4 h
= h2+2hx h
f(x) = x2 + 4 = h + 2x
Thus, the difference quotient for f(x) = x^2 + 4 is h + 2x. For quick results, use our simplified difference quotient calculator.
Example #2:
Find the difference quotient of the function f(x) = 4x - 5.
Using the difference quotient formula:
= f(x + h) - f(x) h
= (4(x + h) - 5) - (4x - 5) h
= 4x + 4h - 5 - 4x + 5 h
= 4h h
= 4
Determining the difference quotient for the f(x) = x^2 + 4 involves various steps. To simplify this kind of calculations, consider using the f(x+h)-f(x)/h calculator. No matter whether you are a beginner or a professional, our user-friendly difference quotient solver makes it easy to approximate the average rate of change of a given function.
From the source of Wikipedia: Difference Quotient.
From the source of Cuemath: Difference Quotient Formula.
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