Enter a decimal number and this tool converts it to the corresponding fraction or mixed number, with detailed calculations shown.
An online decimal to fraction calculator that simply converts decimal number to fraction and revert a repeating decimal to its original fraction form instantly. Read on to learn about decimal fraction its conversion chart and how to turn decimal into a fraction in the blink of an eye.
It is the term of algebra in which a decimal fraction represents a number whose denominator or bottom number is 10. It can be a multiple or power of 10 for example 100, 1,000, 10,000, etc. All the decimal fractions can be written along with a decimal or point. In this way it will be easier to do addition and multiplication calculations that involves fractions.
7/10 is known as decimal fraction. If we write it as 0.7 then it will be known as decimal number. For converting decimals to fraction there is set of certain rules however for a convenient conversion we can use decimals to fraction calculator as well.
Decimal to fraction chart can be used for converting some commonly-used fractions to their equivalent decimal numbers.
Basically decimal and fractional numbers always denote that number which is not an even integer. Convert decimals to fraction by following a simple set of rules.
.65/1 = (.65 × 10) / (1 × 10) = 6.5 / 10
6.5 / 10 is not an integer or whole number so we will multiply it by 10 once again
6.5 / 10 = (6.5 × 10) / (10 × 10) = 65 / 100
(65 divided by 5) / (100 divided by 5) = 13 / 20
Here is a quick tip that you can use decimal fraction calculator for quick and accurate calculations.
We have a decimal number 2.625 to convert it into a fraction. How it can be done?
2.625 will be changes into 2.625 / 1
2.625 / 1 ×1000 / 1000 = 2625 / 1000
2625÷125 / 1000÷125 = 21 / 8
2. 5 / 8 2.625=2. 5 / 8
Sometimes we get decimal values with the negative sign. In such cases in the first place we have to eliminate the negative sign from the present decimal number. Now we have to perform the conversion at the positive value. Once we get the answer we will put the negative sign again. For example, if c = b then it is right that –b = -c. Decimal to fraction calculator is also functioned to deal with the negative decimal values.
Example: How to Convert repeating decimal number “2.666” to a fraction? Follow all the above explained steps one by one.
Equation number 1: x=2.666
Equation number 2: 1000x=2666.666
1000x = 2666.666 – x = 2.666 999x = 2664
X = 2664 / 999
2664÷333 / 999÷333 = 83
Answer: 2. 2 / 3 Answer can be verified by online decimal to fraction calculator for accuracy.
An online decimal to fraction calculator is the tool that allows you to convert decimal to fraction and revert a repeating decimal to its original and simplest fraction form. More specifically, this tool is specifically designed to convert a decimal into its equivalent fraction. Well, swipe down to know how this decimal fraction calculator converts decimal numbers into the simplest fraction form!
Quit worrying, this calculator is very easy to use as it is packed with user-friendly interface, it doesn’t matter whether you want to convert repeating decimal to fraction or real numbers into decimal, this tool do all for you to provide a precise results within a couple of seconds.
Outputs: Once done, then all you have to hit the calculate button, this decimal to fraction calculator generates:
Remember that you can’t convert a decimal number into a fraction form on the calculator; the calculator only can help you to do it with a pencil and paper.
When it comes to converting a decimal to a fraction, you first decide what type of fraction your want to use, it can either be the nearest sixteenth of an inch, nearest eighth of an inch, etc. Then, you ought to simply multiply the decimal by the fraction that you desire and round off the answer to the nearest whole number.
0.1 is expressed in fraction form as 1/10.
.05 is expressed in fraction form as 1/20.
0.5 is expressed in fraction form as 1/2.
Well, fractions is said to be as the simple mathematical expression of ratios of whole numbers and even they do not always divide into an easy to express decimal. While, decimals are the term that can be used to describe long, complex & potentially infinite numbers, like a value of pi.
The relationship between decimals, fractions, and percents is that they all are the different numerical expressions those have the same value.
0.043 is expressed in fraction form as 43/1000, but (if you need), you can readily reduce further that fraction to approximately 1/25.
All you need to move the decimal point two places to the right, means 166667, that’s the numerator and the denominator is 100. So, 1666.67 expressed in fraction form as 166667/100.
12.8 are expressed in fraction form as 64/5.
0.6 expression repeating as a fraction is equal to 2/33.
0.5 decimal expression repeating is equal to 5/9.
0.15 repeating is expressed in fraction as 5/33.
.81 repeating is expressed in fraction as 9/11.
This online decimal to fraction calculator is functioned to work on the basis of advanced algorithm for solving the equation that involves decimal numbers. Whenever you wish to double check your calculations related to decimal fractions for accuracy, or if the conversion that you are seeking cannot be done manually, you can use this online tool to get your desired outcomes.
From the source of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Decimal fractions – The decimal numerical expression/system also said to be as base-ten potential numeral system From the source of study - A Repeating Decimal - Converting Repeating Decimals into Fractions From the source of mathsisfun – definition of Decimal Fraction along with example
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