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Cholesterol Ratio Calculator

Note : Enter Any Three Values.

Our Cholesterol Ratio Calculator makes it possible to estimate the LDL/HDL, triglycerides/HDL, and total cholesterol/HDL ratio based on your medical tests. 

Working of Our Cholesterol Ratio Calculator:

The tc/hdl ratio calculator make it possible to find the expected ratios


  • Enter the Total Cholesterol.
  • Enter the HDL and LDL. 
  • Triglycerides value is optional.
  • Select your gender.
  • Hit the “Calculate” button.


Total cholesterol hdl ratio calculator makes it possible to find:

  •  TC/HDL Ratio
  • LDL/HDL Ratio 
  • Cholesterol level
  • Optimal and high Risk limit
  • The Triglyceride level 

Type of Cholesterol:

There are two basic types of Cholesterol, the LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) and the HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol. 

LDL(Low Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol: 

LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) is bad cholesterol due to a lower ratio of protein in it. You can find the ratio of protein by the  HDL LDL ratio calculator, and it accumulates in the blood arteries as plaque. The Plaque can be a major hindrance in the blood transportation.

HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol:

HDL is good Cholesterol due to higher ratio of the Protein content of Lipoprotein in it. This type of Cholesterol actually improves the flow of the blood and it prevents the clogging of the blood arteries. Cholesterol/HDL ratio charts provide us enough information regarding the HDL level according to our age.  

Total Cholesterol/ HDL LDL/HDL Risk
Male Female Male Female
<3.4 <3.3 <1.1 <1.5 A very low risk
3.5 – 4.4 3.4 – 4.1 - - Low risk
4.5 – 7.2 4.2 – 5.7 1.2 – 4.9 1.6 – 4.1 Average risk
7.2 – 16.5 5.8 – 9 5 – 7.1 4.2 – 5.5 Moderate risk
>16.6 >9.1 >7.2 >5.6 High risk


The Triglycerides are a type of the fats found in our blood, the triglycerides are stored in fat cells and later it is consumed by our body to release the energy. HDL Triglycerides ratio calculator maked the task easy with the HDL and the Triglyceride ratio.

Cholesterol Ratio Chart

The following chart helps in measuring the cholesterol levels and the risk for coronary artery diseases:

Unit Desirable Borderline High High  
Total Cholesterol mg/dl Less than 200mg/dl 200-239mg/dl 240mg/dl and above
HDL Cholesterol mg/dl 60mg/dl and above 40-59mg/dl 40mg/dl and above
LDL Cholesterol mg/dl Less than 130 130-159mg/dl 159mg/dl and above
Triglycerides mg/dl <150mg/dl 150-199mg/dl 199mg/dl and above
LDL/HDL Ratio mg/dl 2.0 <5.0 >5.0
Triglycerides/HDL Ratio mg/dl 2.0 4.0 >6.0
Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio mg/dl <0.87 1.74 - 2.62 >2.62

Triglycerides are only consumed if we are creating the calorie deficit, you may learn that online tools like the calorie deficit calculator can be better to learn your energy requirement.

The Normal Range of Triglycerides

A simple blood test is required to find whether your triglyceride falls into the healthy range or not, cholesterol calculator ratio makes it possible to find your optimal weight.

  • Normal: Less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or less than 1.7 millimoles per liter (mmol/L)
  • Borderline high:150 to 199 mg/dL (1.8 to 2.2 mmol/L)
  • High:200 to 499 mg/dL (2.3 to 5.6 mmol/L)
  • Very high: 500 mg/dL or above (5.7 mmol/L or above)

Triglycerides to HDL ratio calculator can make the task simple for the users and doctors usually conduct the Triglycerides along with the cholesterol test. The cholesterol ratio calculator may help to reduce the HDL density and we may feel relaxed due to better flow of blood.

How is Total Cholesterol Calculated Without Using a HDL LDL Ratio Calculator?

What is TC/HDL Ratio  of cholesterol, if the total cholesterol is 3 mg/dL and the HDL is around 5 mg/dL and LDL 5 mg/dL?


Cholesterol Results Interpretation:

■ TC/HDL Ratio = 0.6 – this value suggests a very low risk of cardiovascular disease.

■ LDL/HDL Ratio = 1 – this value suggests a very low risk of cardiovascular disease.

■ A Total Cholesterol level of 3 (mg/dl) represents an optimal value.

■ A HDL level of 5 (mg/dl) represents a high risk value.

■ A LDL level of 5 (mg/dl) represents an optimal value.

■ A Triglycerides level of -35 (mg/dl) represents .

The triglycerides to hdl ratio calculator provides us enough information about the HDL/LDL ratio and connected risk involved with it. 

Cholesterol and its Consequences

High cholesterol levels cause many diseases and all of them are life threatening. We have mentioned some of the most alarming diseases below:

  • Coronary artery disease
  • Stroke
  • Peripheral arteries disease
  • Chronic kidney failure

How to Lower Your Cholesterol?

If you are concerned about lowering your cholesterol, we have some notable tips and we have mentioned them below:

  • Involve yourself in physical activities.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Take medications.

These tips will surely help you maintain your cholesterol levels and will let you live a good and healthy life.


How to Calculate Cholesterol Ratio When Total Cholesterol is 274 mg/dL, and HDL is 61 mg/dL?

To measure your cholesterol ratio, you need to divide the TC by the non hdl cholesterol

TC = 274 mg/dL

HDL =  61 mg/dL

Cholesterol ratio = 274/61 = 4.49  mg/dL

What Does mmol/L Stand for?

The mmol/L stands for millimoles per liter and it reflects the HDL,LDL in our blood. Here’s how you can calculate the mmol/L:

Cholesterol Ratio in mmol/L = [Total Cholesterol (mmol/L)]/[HDL-Cholesterol (mmol/L)]

You can also calculate mmol/L using any triglyceride/hdl ratio calculator mmol.

Can I Have a Cholesterol Ratio too Low?

Yes, it is better to have a cholesterol ratio low due, and athletes and sportsmen usually have suh ratio. But too much lower ratio can be due to  thyroid disease, metabolic disorders, or genetic disorders. 


From the source of the mayoclinic.org: Cholesterol , HDL and LDL

From the source of the mayoclinic.org: Cholesterol , Physiology