The calculator will readily estimate carboplatin dosage in milligrams by considering your cretanine and targetted AUC value.
The free online Carboplatin calculator estimates your Carboplatin dosage(mg) by using the Calvert formula. All of these calculations are based on a person's estimated creatinine clearance level and the targeted AUC value.
The most critical thing for us to understand is the Calvert formula:
Carboplatin is a type of chemotherapy medication used to treat cancer. The dose is administered by the injection via a vein, and after around 24 hours, 70 % of the drug is excreted into the urine. The dose depends upon the function of the kidneys. For measuring the exact dosage of the Carboplatin, we use the Calvert formula to measure the kidney functionality:
Total Dose (mg) = (target AUC) x (GFR + 25)
AUC=Target area under concentration curve against the time curve in mg/mL.
GFR Stands for Glomerular Filtration Rate(GFR), it speaks about the power or the cleaning ability of the kidneys of patients.
“The GFR estimates how much blood passes through the Glomeruli per minute”. The Glomeruli are the tiniest of filters in our kidneys specially designed to filter our blood from waste. The carboplatin dose calculator uses the Calvert formula to find the exact dosage according to your age, sex, and weight.
There are certain conditions when using the Calvert formula::
There are separate formulas used in the carbo AUC calculator for men and for women. The main reason for that is to various levels of immunity in male and female bodies
Carboplatin Clearance for Male=(0,134xweight)+(218xweightx(1-0.00457xage)/serum creat.)
Carboplatin clearance for Female = (0,134xweight)+0.686x(218xweightx(1-0.00457xage)/serum cr?t.)
We normally utilize the Cockcroft-Gault equation for finding the carboplatin dosage. For that, you can also use the carboplatin calculator.
For Men:GFR=[(140-A)xW/(72xCr)
For Women:0.85x GFR formula for men
GFR=Glomerular Filtration Rate
A=Age (years)
Cr=Serum Creatinine(mg/dL)
Consider we want to find the GFR of a 50-year-old man whose weight is 78 KG and has a Serum Creatinine of 1.2(mg/dL).
GFR=[90x78/(72x1.2)] GFR=[7020/(86.4)]
GFR=81.25 ml/min
You check this GFR by the carboplatin calculator to make sure that you are taking the correct dosage of carboplatin.
Once you have found the GFR, we can implement the Calvert formula for optimal carboplatin dosage for patients. The carbo calculator can be used to find Carboplatin dose (mg) for patients.
Now we know the GFR value of the patients using the target AUC which is around 7 mg/ml/min, we can find the dosage of the Carboplatin of the patient.
Carboplatin dose (mg) = AUCx (GFR + 25)
Carboplatin dose (mg) = 7 x (81.25 + 25)
Carboplatin dose (mg) = 7 x 106.25
Carboplatin dose (mg) = 743.8
The carboplatin calculator can be used to find the exact dosage for patients of various age groups.
The Cockcroft-Gault equation normally uses the total body weight, but this equation also uses the Ideal body weight in the advanced version of the calculations. The IBW can be calculated by the carboplatin dose calculator using creatinine clearance or adjusted body weight(ABW). The main reason for incorporating the adjusted body weight(ABW) is that their actual weight significantly deviates from the ideal body weight(IBW) in reality.
Ideal body weight (IBW) Formula:
IBW (males) = 50 kg + 2.3 x (height [inches] - 60)
IBW (females) = 45.5 kg + 2.3 x (height [inches] - 60)
The Ideal body weight (IBW) can be measured efficiently for a patient according to his age by the carboplatin calculator.
The formula used for the Adjusted body weight (ABW) by the carbo dose calculator is as follows:
ABW (kg) = ideal body weight + [0.4 x (actual body weight - ideal body weight)]
Alternative formula Adjusted body weight (ABW):
We can also use the Alternative formula Adjusted body weight (ABW) to get more accurate results.
ABW (kg) = ideal body weight + [0.3 x(actual body weight - ideal body weight)]
The AUC calculation formula needs the Adjusted body weight for the obese persons.We can use the carbo AUC calculator to find the AUC calculations.
The Jelliffe equation is usually used to find the changes in the serum or creatinine level over a period of time. We can find the health of the renal activity and function of the kidneys by the Jelliffe equation. The carboplatin dose calculator uses creatinine clearance taking into account the body surface area of the patients.
Male: (98 - (0.8 x (age - 20)) / (SCR in mg/dl)) x Patient’s BSA/1.73 M2
Female: Multiply the above result by 0.9 The Carbo dose calculator finds the accurate dosage for a person.
The Body Surface Area of a person can be calculated according to the health and weight of a person and it is used for carboplatin.
BSA (m²) = √{ [ height (cm) x weight (kg)] / 3600 }
Consider a male patient having an age of 22 years, weight 67 Kg,serum creatinine level equal to 5 mg/dL. Our target AUC is 5mg/ml/minute and our height is 67 inches or 5 feet and 7 inches.
BSA (m²) = √{ [ height (cm) x weight (kg)] / 3600 }
BSA=1.78 m2
IBW (males) = 50 kg + 2.3 x (height [inches] - 60)
Ideal Body Weight (IBW)=66.1 (kg)
ABW (kg) = ideal body weight + [0.4 x (actual body weight - ideal body weight)]
Adjusted Body Weight (ABW)=66.46 (kg)
Clearance Method | Calculated Clearance (ml/min) | Calculated Carboplatin Dose |
Jelliffe | 19.3 | 221 |
Jelliffe (adjusted for BSA) | 19.8 | 224 |
Cockcroft & Gault (using ibw) | 21.7 | 233 |
Cockcroft & Gault (using Adjusted body wt) | 21.8 | 234 |
Cockcroft & Gault (using Adjusted body wt alternative eq) | 21.8 | 234 |
Cockcroft & Gault (using Actual body weight) | 22 | 235 |
You can check all the captions by the carbo calculator.
Utilize the carboplatin dose calculator by the following method:
The Calvert formula calculator displays the following result:
Calvert formula: Dose=AUC x (GFR + 25)
The value of 25 mL/min is a constant carboplatin non-renal clearance.
The normal value of GFR > 90 ml/min and 1.73 m2 is considered the normal range of the GFR and we consider the kidney working properly. The normal GFR values are calculated by the carboplatin AUC calculator.
The GFR values usually decrease with the passage of age. For 70-year-old people, the normal range of GFR is around 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. We can find the normal value of the GFR by the global rph carbo calculator.
We need to find the BSA of the patient by the following formula:
BSA (m²) = SQRT{ [ height (cm) x weight (kg)] / 3600 }
The AUC calculation formula can’t be commuted for the patients without finding the BSA.
We do consider the actual body weight and compare it to the ideal body weight to find the chemo dosage. The carboplatin AUC dose calculation does involve your actual body weight and its comparison with the ideal body weight.
The skin color may also change during the chemotherapy. You may feel redness on your face due to chemotherapy. Some patients' skin color may turn pale due to the reduction of red blood cells in the body.
Chemo may lower your testosterone levels and libido during the treatment.
When we are doing Chemotherapy on a patient, it is necessary to know what Carboplatin dosage is required. Carboplatin chemotherapy is used to treat the cancer of the (lungs, brain, and ovarian cancer. The carboplatin calculator helps to find the dosage of the carboplatin according to the age, sex, and body weight of a patient.
From the source of Wikipedia: Carboplatin, Medical uses
From the source of Dosing & Uses,Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma
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