Enter the starting and ending date and the calculator will calculate the exact working and non-working days among these.
The business days calculator calculates the working days between two dates. Not only this, but you can also add weekend days or other national holidays to get actual working days with this work day calculator.
On an average, there are exactly 261 working days (2080 working hours) in a single year. This equates to the total of 52 weeks of working with 8 hours daily job hours.
Business Day Duration | 8 hours (9AM - 5PM) |
Business Week Duration | 40 Hours (8 hours/day) |
Business Month Duration | 20 - 21 Days (Depending upon days in a month) |
Business Year Duration | 261 Days (2080 Hours - 8 hours/day) |
Let’s resolve a couple of examples here to clear the theory behind our discussion. Let’s move on!
How many working days in a year are left for Jack if he does these calculations on 23rd Oct, 2022?
Here we have:
From 23rd Oct, 2022 to 31 Oct, 2022 we have:
Business days = 6
Business days in November = 22
Business days in December = 22
So total business days from 23rd Oct, 2022 to 31st Dec, 2022 are as follows:
Working days = 6 + 22 + 22
Working days = 50
This estimation does not include public holidays. For getting more detailed stats, you need to practise using our business day calculator.
The chart below is packed with the business days in each single month for the year 2024:
January | 23 |
February | 21 |
March | 21 |
April | 22 |
May | 23 |
June | 20 |
July | 23 |
August | 22 |
September | 21 |
October | 23 |
November | 21 |
December | 22 |
Total 2024 Calendar Year Working Days | 262 |
You can also get these stats for any year by entering dates in our best business days calculator.
Below we have a summarised chart that goes for displaying the holidays in the United States of America from the year 2022 to the year 2026. Let’s have a look at these values so that we may not miss any entry regarding this while using this best business day calculator!
Holiday | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 |
Martin Luther King Day | Jan, 16th | Jan, 15th | Jan, 21st | Jan, 19th | Jan, 18th |
Presidents’ Day | Feb, 21st | Feb, 20th | Feb, 19th | Feb, 17th | Feb, 16th |
Fat Tuesday | Mar, 1st | Feb, 21st | Feb, 13th | Mar, 4th | Feb, 17th |
Good Friday | Apr, 15th | Apr, 7th | Mar, 29th | Apr, 18th | Apr, 3rd |
Easter Sunday | Apr, 17th | Apr, 9th | Mar, 31st | Apr, 20th | Apr, 5th |
Mother’s Day | May, 8th | May, 14th | May, 12th | May, 11th | May, 10th |
Memorial Day | May, 30th | May, 29th | May, 27th | May, 26th | May, 25th |
Father’s Day | Jun, 19th | Jun, 18th | Jun, 16th | Jun, 15th | Jun, 21st |
Labour Day | Sep, 5th | Sep, 4th | Sep, 2nd | Sep, 1st | Sep, 7th |
Columbus Day | Oct, 10th | Oct, 9th | Oct, 14th | Oct, 13th | Oct, 12th |
Thanksgiving Day | Nov, 24th | Nov, 23rd | Nov, 28th | Nov, 27th | Nov, 26th |
You can exclude and include these holidays in your calculations by using this free working day calculator.
Our workdays calculator comes with a user friendly layout that helps you to get exact business days between two dates. Let’s find out how!
The free work day calculator calculates:
As per the labour rule, saturday is not included in the working days. However many companies have their saturday open for the workers who wish to work overtime. Also, if a public holiday comes on saturday, then that holiday will be considered on the preceding friday.
Good Friday is a holiday in almost 11 different states in the world. While most of the schools and businesses remain closed as well on this particular day.
In Australia, an employee is allowed to work only for 7.6 hours a single day.
A particular plan that a firm or any company makes to make a profit from the investment is known as the business model.
Various factors are involved in the business plan that includes the following:
From the source of Wikipedia: Business day, Shifts and trends, Day count convention
From the source of Investopedia: Business Day, Special Considerations
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