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Buoyancy Calculator

Provide the values of density and volume to this online buoyancy calculator and this hand tool will calculate the buoyancy force instantly.

Our buoyancy calculator lets you to find out the buoyant force experienced by a body or object in a specific fluid effortlessly. You just have to provide the density and the volume of the fluid and the calculator does the rest and provides you with the correct results in a matter of seconds. 

What Is Meant By Buoyancy?

Buoyancy is the amount of force that is applied on a body or object in the upward direction when the body or object is half or completely submerged in a specific type of fluid. Meanwhile, when the object is submerged in the fluid, it experiences an upward force and this force is called “Buoyancy” or “Buoyant force” in physics.  The buoyant force is a very essential force, Let’s see why:

  • It tells why objects float or sink in various types of fluids.
  • Buoyant force makes it easy to decide the balance and stability of underwater things such as submarines, ships, boats etc.
  • It's important for underwater construction and hydraulic engineering.
  • The volume of fluid is proportional to the buoyancy force. If it is denser then it means that the object will sink and if it is less dense then it means that the object will float. 

How To Calculate Buoyant Force?

To calculate the buoyant force, use the following formula and put the values correctly as we have done in the below-mentioned example. 

Buoyancy Formula:

The calculation of buoyancy force is not a daunting task, you just have to put the values in the formula.  Let's take a look at the following buoyant force equation:

Buoyant Force Formula = P x V x G


  • P shows the density of the specific type of fluid.
  • V represents the volume.
  • G shows the gravitational constant. 

If you don't want to calculate buoyancy manually with the help of the buoyancy formula, then you can get the assistance of buoyancy calculator. By using it you will just have to provide the input values and will get the correct result swiftly.  Our buoyancy force calculator contains a default value of the gravitational acceleration which is set to 9.81 m/s^2. But you can also change this value as per your need. 


Let's assume an object which has a mass of 12 kg and a density of 0.5 kg/m^3 is dropped in a specific type of fluid. Now how to find buoyant force?


Given that:

Mass = 12 kg

Density = 0.5 kg/m^3

First of all, we will get the value of v: V= m / p = 12 / 0.5 = 24 m^3. Put the values in the buoyancy equation:

Buoyancy Force Formula = P x V X G B = (0.5) x (9.8) x (24) = 117.6 N

Working of Buoyancy Calculator:

Our calculator allows users to perform the buoyancy calculation without much manual interventions. It just requires a couple of inputs and provides the expected results instantly. Let's see how:


  • Add the values of the “Acceleration Due To Gravity”, “Volume of Displayed Fluid” and the “Density of the Fluid” in respective fields. 
  • Hit the “Calculate” button on the buoyant force calculator and that’s all. 


  • Correct Buoyancy Force in Newton.
  • Step-by-step Calculation. 

The Density of Water And Other Common Liquids:

Fluid Density (kg/m^3)
Air 1
Water 998
Sea-Water 1020-1050
Plant Oil (Cooking Oil) 910-920
Milk 1020-1050
Fuel Oil 980


What Is The SI Unit of Buoyancy?

The SI unit that is used for this force is Newton and is represented by “N”. 

What Causes Buoyancy?

When the depth increases the pressure of fluid also increases. The fluid exerts an upward force to relieve the pressure and we call it the Buoyancy Force. 

What Is The Buoyancy Rule?

According to Archimedes' principle, “The upward buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and acts in the upward direction at the displaced fluids center of mass”.  

What Is The Buoyant Force of a Floating Object?

As we know that the buoyancy force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid. High density means less fluid is required to be displaced to support the weight of the object and to float normally. 

Does Buoyancy Depend on Volume?

Yes, because the size or the volume of the immersed body or object is directly proportional to the buoyancy force. 


From the source of lambdageeks.com: Calculation of Buoyant Force: Problem, Examples And Facts. From the source of Wikipedia: What is Buoyancy Force? Archimedes' Principle & Examples.