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BMI Calculator

Select your gender and provide your body dimensions. The free BMI calculator will estimate body mass index and let you know in which category your weight falls.


A smart BMI calculator helps to calculate body mass index value and corresponding weight status. This calculator allows you to compute bmi for men, women, teens, and Children.

Use this calculator to know in which category your body mass index falls, it can be normal, underweight, overweight, or obese. You can enter your weight either in pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kg), and height in feet and inches or centimetres into this calculator for calculations.

What Is BMI?

Body mass index is the measure of leanness that is based upon the weight and height ratio of an individual.

BMI is just a screening test. It does not give an accurate measure of body fat and is used to estimate if a person is gaining or losing weight.

you can use  other website BMI Calculator in Technical-calculator

Normal BMI Ranges & Charts:

For Adults:

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests these body weight measurements for those who are 20 years of age or older (Men and Women):

Category Healthy BMI range - kg/m2
Severe Thinness < 16
Moderate Thinness 16 - 17
Mild Thinness 17 - 18.5
Normal 18.5 - 25
Overweight 25 - 30
Obese Class I 30 - 35
Obese Class II 35 - 40
Obese Class III > 40

BMI Chart for Adults (Men & Women):

bmi chart men and women

For Children:

Body mass index measurements for children and teen agers are characterised by CDC (Centers for Disease Control) which are as under:

Category Percentile Range
Underweight <5%
Healthy weight 5% - 85%
At risk of overweight 85% - 95%
Normal 18.5 - 25
Overweight >95%

BMI Chart for Kids & Teens (Boys):

bmi chart for kids and teens (boys)

BMI Chart for Kids & Teens (Girls):

bmi chart for kids and teens (girls)

Risks of Being (High BMI) Overweight & Physically Inactive:

If your BMI is 25 kg/m2, it means that your are overweight and may develop:

  • Cardiovascular (disease of heart and blood circulation)
  • Gallbladder disease
  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Types of cancer like a colon and breast cancer
  • Certain mental health disorders and depression

Risks of Being Underweight (Low BMI):

If you’re underweight, you may be malnourished and develop:

  • Respiratory disease
  • Digestive disease
  • Digestive diseases
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis
  • Compromised immune function


What’s a Good BMI for All Ages?

The first thing is that there is no specific figure of good BMI, everyone has different ranges! Simply, plug-in the values into the above BMI calculator know yours.

How to Maintain a Healthy BMI?

Maintaining a healthy BMI demands following steps to be followed:

  • Exercise at least 60 to 90 minutes
  • Stay hydrated and consume a balanced diet
  • If your range is not where it should be, then you may have to reduce your caloric intake and also increase your exercise


The calculator-online makes no claims of the accuracy of the published information and also the results that you get from the above BMI calculator. The results of this tool are just estimations and intended for educational purposes only. The information and results from this tool are not intended to substitute for MEDICAL professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. So considering its estimations, you also need to consult your doctor to achieve your health goals and ideal weight.


From the source of Wikipedia: Body Mass Index Categories – Children (aged 2 to 20) – International variation – Relationship to health and Limitations - Legitimate information from the source of webmd – What Is a Healthy Weight – all you need to know about weight category