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Average Calculator

Enter the set of numbers into this average calculator and click “Calculate” to find the average (mean).

Average Calculator: Calculate Average of a Set of Numbers

This average calculator allows you to calculate the central tendency (mean value) of a dataset by adding the numbers & then dividing by the total number of values. With our calculator, you can get the table, graph (dataset distribution with average), and other related values.

What is Average?

“Average is a statistical measure that shows the central tendency of the given dataset” 

The word 'average' has multiple meanings and has a wide range of applications in different fields. Typically, it is a number used to show the set of numbers. In math, the average is usually known as the mean, especially the arithmetic mean. 

How to Calculate the Average?

  • Find the sum: Add all the numbers of your data set together
  • Count the numbers: Find the total number of given values
  • Divide the sum by the count: Take the sum you calculated and divide it by the count


Average = sum of all values total number of values

Average = a1 + a2 + a3 + ,... total number of values

Example # 1: 

Let us suppose, you have scored 80, 92, and 78 on three math tests. Calculate the average between three numbers.


Just enter all students' scores into the average finder and let us make it easy to find the average score of a class test. For manual computation, plug the values into the formula below:

Average = Sum of scores Number of scores

Average = 80 + 92 + 78 3

Average = 250 3

Average = 83.33

Example # 2:

Suppose your grocery bill includes three items: milk ($2.50), bread ($1.75), and cereal ($4.00). What's the average cost per item?


Average = $2.50+$1.75+$4.00 3

Average = $8.25 3

Average = $2.75 per item

While the example shows calculating the average manually, the table demonstrates the efficiency of our average calculator for handling multiple values simultaneously. So look at the table of some other examples of averages. 


Average Between Two Numbers

70, 100


75, 100


60, 100


80, 100


85, 100


88, 100


90, 100


60, 120


80, 120


FAQs (Average):

What are the types of average?

There are three main types of the average including:

  • Mean 
  • Median 
  • Mode 

You can also take into account the mean median mode calculator to calculate these terms quickly.

What is the symbol of average?

The symbol used to represent the average or mean value is x̄. It is also denoted by the Greek letter (μ).

Why might I use this average calculator?

Our average calculator simplifies the process, saves time, ensures accuracy, and can be used for particularly large data sets or when precision is essential.