Enter white blood cells and lymphocyte count to get ALC present in a specific blood volume.
ALC calculator estimates the concentration of absolute lymphocytes in a specific blood volume of a patient. It is one of the indicators in CBC (Complete Blood Count) that depends upon the patient’s health and medical history. The tool calculates the ALC count in terms of cells per microlitres of blood.
Absolute lymphocytes are a special kind of white blood cell that plays an important role in the defence system of the body. These cells help in the recognition and treatment of various viral infections and foreign substances that might cause severe medical problems.
The immune system is a network of lymph nodes, lymph tissues, lymphatic organs, and immune cells that are lymphocytes.
Absolute lymphocytes originate from stem cells present in the bone marrow. The process is known as the Hematopoiesis. Bone marrow is a sponge-like material that is the main platform for the production of blood cells including AL.
Absolute lymphocytes are of three types that include:
Beta lymphocytes produce antibodies in the immune system. These antibodies are basically neutralized pathogens such as bacteria that fight against foreign invaders.
T cells energize the immune system to kill cancer cells or any other substance that is taken over by viruses like HIV virus (AIDS). Such cells can lead to the production of malignant tumors in the body or HIV if they become low in count.
T cells are further classified as:
NK cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes that directly target those cells causing malignant cancers. They naturally fight against any harmful foreign substance.
The formula below helps with ALC calculation straightaway:
Absolute Lymphocytes = White Blood Cell Count x 1000 x Percent Lymphs (Expressed as a Decimal)
This is a laboratory test that is taken to count the T lymphocytes. Medical experts use the test to check the effectiveness of ART (Antiretroviral Treatment) against Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and to monitor the destruction of CD4 cells.
Normal Range: 500 to 1500 cells/mm^3
Measurement unit | Normal range for ALC |
cells/μL | 1000 - 4000 |
cells/L | 1.0 - 4.0 |
10^9 cells/L | 1.0 - 4.0 |
Estimating CD4 count from abs lymphs count is relatively a quicker process than the Normal Elaborate Method, which takes a lot of time to generate results. This is why the test is taken for quicker results.
With the help of the following table, you can easily correlate the values for ALC and CD4 concentration in them:
ALC in cells/mm3 | Predicted CD4 count in cells/mm3 |
<1000 | <200 |
1000 – 2000 | Unpredictable interval |
>2000 | >200 |
Age Range | Normal Range for ALC |
Newborns | 2500 - 8000 cells/μL |
Infants (1-5 months) | 4000 - 10000 cells/μL |
Children (6 months to 2 years) | 2500 - 7500 cells/μL |
Children (2-6 years) | 1500 - 7500 cells/μL |
Children (6-12 years) | 1500 - 6000 cells/μL |
Adults (>12 years) | 1000 - 4000 cells/μL |
The results shown herein by the ALC calculator can not be considered medical advice. The calculations aid in detecting any rise or fall in the normal ALC count. It does not claim any help in the diagnosis of HIV AIDS or Lymphopenia.
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